Example sentences of "the [no cls] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But then the traffic menace grew and the town , being on the A1 and without a bypass , began to suffer .
2 Past Chiswick and Heathrow Airport , under the M25 and through the villages of Wentworth and Sunningdale , out towards Woking .
3 In the late seventies and early eighties , travel to Cosford could sometimes be likened to a cross-polar expedition as athletes and spectators battled through blizzards and packed snow , up or down the M6 and along the A5 , or up the A41 from Wolverhampton .
4 The improved interface enables for faster plotting than the 110A and at a lower price — up to 4Mb per second on EISA units and 1.5Mb per second on AT bus machines .
5 The road leading into the pleasant village of Austwick branches from the A65 and at a fork at the north end of the village a left turn , unsignposted , climbs through a leafy avenue into Crummackdale , reaching open country where it is crossed by an unsurfaced lane coming from Clapham .
6 This was a joy for me as I had puzzled often on the jumble of tops visible from the A82 and in the mass of high peaks this area contains .
7 After the Sanctus and before the elevation of the Host , the reader is bidden to remember Christ 's Passion and his own sin , and also to pray for all estates in the land from Pope and King to the " poure and smale " , for good harvests to sustain them and for entry into God 's joy at death .
8 The name being dropped enthusiastically in cities down the M1 and along the M62 , it 's now earning a reputation as one of the grooviest nights in the north .
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