Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [vb past] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 After the meeting the FRUD announced that it was quite prepared to open a dialogue on the basis of an immediate bilateral ceasefire and reforms announced by Gouled Aptidon .
2 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
3 However , the attack , which was thought to have been planned for Kiechle 's 60th birthday party on March 3 in Bavaria , had not taken place and a further letter from the RAF stated that it had been called off due to a " mistake in co-ordination " .
4 Despite being outnumbered by three or four to one the KNU claimed that it had inflicted heavy casualties .
5 In June 1873 , the STC reported that it was " scarcely possible " to speak with confidence of the numbers employed , " perhaps they may reach 50 [ overall ] … but the number is increasing at an alarming rate " .
6 On May 15 , 1990 , the Vatican announced that it was re-establishing diplomatic relations with Romania , broken in 1950 .
7 As a contribution to the reconciliation process , the FMLN announced that it would release two combatants on March 16 to stand trial locally ( rather than in the USA , as the US government had previously insisted ) on charges of murdering two US advisers whose helicopter was shot down in January 1991 [ see pp. 37956-57 ] .
8 The chair of the NEC said that it was forced to take action after it uncovered widespread irregularities and blatant corruption on the part of both recognized political parties — the National Republican Convention ( NRC ) and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) .
9 Were the Alliance to be successful , the NEC held that it would produce a weak government like that in France .
10 The Saturday commented that it was ‘ dappled with imagery bold and graceful ’ , but that the groups of clustered or arcaded windows could be depressing .
11 On Nov. 17 the UPP announced that it was to receive a major defector from the DLP on the following day .
12 Between April and August 1989 eight Palestinian activists in the West Bank and Gaza were allegedly killed by so-called " death squads " ; while the IDF admitted that it was running special undercover units , it insisted that their primary purpose was gathering intelligence .
13 The hunger strikes were called off on Oct. 20 , although the PPD said that it would continue its boycott of the National Assembly .
14 The SDPP said that it planned to challenge the vote in the Constitutional Court , which had overturned similar legislation in March 1989 [ see pp. 36528 ; 37592-93 ] .
15 The AP stated that it would not participate in forthcoming dialogues .
16 In a statement issued on Jan. 24 the SLA announced that it was fully prepared to extend the zone " for the imperatives of security " .
17 By forcing MPs to give up their seats if they joined the Cabinet , the NPKA believed that it could eliminate vote-buying and other corrupt practices .
18 Subsequently , the GLC showed that it had indeed become more marginal than the previous LCC and control fluctuated between the Labour and Conservative parties .
19 In 1976 , in response to a White Paper on devolution to Scotland and Wales , the CNAA commented that it had always been sensitive to the specific conditions and needs of Scotland , and that it might be appropriate for the CNAA to set up a Scottish Committee .
20 The ANC indicated that it was prepared to meet Inkatha at a multiparty meeting in the context of the National Peace Accord [ see p. 38422 ] , but expressed unwillingness to hold bilateral talks , arguing that previous meetings had failed to produced effective results [ see pp. 37951-52 ] .
21 On May 18 the ANC announced that it would not participate in further constitutional discussions with the government , " or in any all-party congress to discuss the mechanisms for drawing up a new democratic constitution " .
22 The government insisted that this meant that the ANC should also end recruitment and training , but the ANC asserted that it had the right to recruit inside South Africa for training abroad .
23 This was the first time he had used this mechanism to force through legislation rejected by parliament , and the ANC warned that it would nullify the legislation if it gained political power .
24 The pioneers of the NHS accepted that it would initially be necessary to increase the resources devoted to the service , but that this would level off as medical needs were satisfied .
25 In July , the CEGB announced that it proposed to retrofit three 2000 MW power stations with FGD between 1988 and 1997 .
26 The CEGB denied that it was intended as a bribe .
27 On Feb. 16 , 1990 , the IMF announced that it was releasing the long delayed third tranche of 21,400,000 special drawing rights ( SDR1=US$1.32182 as at Feb. 16 , 1990 ) of its 1986 three-year structural adjustment facility [ see pp. 35690 ; 36551 ] .
28 On May 16 the NPRC announced that it would respect all Sierra Leone 's obligations to the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and to the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) including the deployment of the ECOMOG ( ECOWAS Monitoring Group ) in the country as part of the Liberian peace process [ see p. 38853 ] .
29 The SFO argued that it should be denied to Mr Nadir .
30 On May 29 the USC said that it would be receptive to dialogue with all groups at talks to be held shortly in Djibouti .
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