Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Like the Royal Navy , the RAF sought and found a gap in the Sandys doctrine , and it was the Army 's requirements that again provided the case .
2 The Millars retired and moved to Dartmouth .
3 The Millars retired and moved to Dartmouth .
4 What was undoubtedly important , however , was that the ICS briefed and trained its interviewers to deal with the part of the questionnaire which dealt with sexual offences , and indeed when a case was uncovered by a male interviewer he always offered a follow-up interview conducted by a woman .
5 The Unwins beamed and patted everyone within reach including the horse , and Mr Unwin in his great antipodean accent could be heard calling his jockey ‘ son ’ , even though the rider looked older by far than the owner .
6 As a former category A authority , Westminster SSD is one of five the DoH categorised as having a high incidence of HIV .
7 God knows how it happened , there was n't another thing on the road , but the Jag overturned and caught fire .
8 The Lloyds won that encounter , though love deserted both partnerships in the end .
9 The wooden spit stand began to bend and creak , the Halflings groaned and took the strain .
10 The Shadowlands crumbled and disappeared below the hungry waves .
11 The Lapp shrugged and left .
12 The European Year of Tourism officially ended at a conference in Budapest , at which the HCIMA presented and participated in the workshop on training and management along with a few others , including the President of the Committee for Vocational training in Germany and the Deputy Secretary of the World Tourism Organisation .
13 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
14 Fortunately not all the colleges were as over-enthusiastic , though most were entering uncharted territory , and the CNAA recognized and confronted the difficulties , particularly in 1976 and 1977 .
15 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
16 Soviet spokesmen generally argued that , considerable though their ethnic differences might be , they would diminish and ultimately disappear as social and economic standards throughout the USSR improved and became more uniform .
17 The question to resolve is the extent to which Nizan 's practical experience of the USSR confirmed or altered these preconceptions .
18 The Shah agreed and said that this was his great goal .
19 And while the Shah despised and fought against the mullahs , Hassan had his own representatives in almost all the brotherhoods and mosques .
20 No one was allowed to resign ; people served until the Shah dismissed or moved them .
21 The Shah smiled and put his hand on Parson 's arm as the ambassador faltered , tears in his eyes .
22 The UK signed and ratified this , too .
23 The Scarabae rose and went like some collective creature , some sort of amoeba with Ruth its glowing heart , into the drawing room .
24 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
25 For in 1904 Lincoln Bush patented the Bush shed and installed the first at the Hoboken station of the Delaware , Lackawanna and Western Railroad in 1906 .
26 Lakes and ponds were tapped , water from the Lys sterilized and stored in barges , and cisterns built to trap rainwater .
27 The Campbell clenched and unclenched his fists .
28 Under the chairmanship of Prince Norodom Sihanouk , the SNC agreed that UN-supervised regional elections in Cambodia 's 20 provinces should be held on the basis of proportional representation .
29 In negotiations conducted through church officials the NPA stated that Drown would be released only if government troops in the region ceased operations and returned to barracks .
30 The Han swallowed and backed away hurriedly .
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