Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The ACPS saw in this a double deterrent : the deterrent element of actual custody , and a postponed deterrence during the suspension period .
2 The ability to quantify androgyny on the BSRI seemed to some 1970s North American feminists to suggest and even to facilitate an escape from oppressive aspects of dominant discourses of femininity and masculinity , like guilt and dependency , and violence and insensitivity , which would at the same time retain femininity 's positive social , emotional characteristics , and the valuable self-confidence and achievement motivation commonly associated with masculinity .
3 Blaney 's success in the States lasted for some years and then , in 1910 , the affluent company decided to tour Great Britain .
4 At night the Sheikha slept in that great plot of a bed with her son in her arms , trying to keep him quiet , allaying his fears and anger .
5 The speeding Audi and the Volvo slammed into each other with sufficient force to buckle the Audi 's grille and shatter both headlights .
6 The GLC was empowered by the Act to make grants to the LTE for any purpose ( section 3 ) and the GLC intended in this way to reimburse the LTE for the revenue lost by the fares reduction and so enable the LTE to balance its books , this being an obligation placed on the LTE ‘ so far as practicable ’ .
7 The Sultan deposited within this town a vast store of wealth .
8 Different areas of the CNAA wrested with this ‘ in radically different ways ’ :
9 Dissatisfaction with the COS led to some new approaches in voluntary effort , such as the Settlement House Movement , which pioneered , in effect , modern ‘ community work ’ as distinct from the case-work approach of the COS .
10 As the meeting convened by Edwin Kerr and Sir Kenneth Berrill in January 1973 discovered , much discussion of the DipHE revolved around such questions as when students on college DipHE courses would be able to make their decisions about training for teaching , and differences for the training of primary and secondary teachers .
11 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
12 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
13 The Battle of the Atlantic lasted for most of the Second World War .
14 Others around the Shah agreed with that .
15 But even while the Shah shrugged of such schemes , saying that this was not 1953 he also seemed to feel that the allies who had saved him then had somehow betrayed him now .
16 In a recent review of the national programme , the NCS called for both its sponsors , the Science and Engineering Research Council ( SERC ) and the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) , to increase their support for the technology .
17 The German proposals on the role of the EP went beyond those of other member states .
18 But the ICA responded to this challenge as it has always done with the difficult or the new ; with the sort of calculated risk-taking that the majority of Arts Council-sponsored venues habitually shy away from .
19 The Formosans had for many decades suffered from imperial Chinese indifference and neglect , and a substantial minority of the island 's non-Japanese inhabitants benefited from the new economic and educational policies and enjoyed rising living standards .
20 In 1989 , 31,814 people in the UK died from this disease [ 3 ] .
21 Immigrants to the UK fulfilled in many ways the same functions as white working-class people .
22 The UK voted against all but parts E and G of the resolution ; the USA voted against all but part E.
23 Superseded DCs/ — A list of the DCs superseded by this DC
24 At the moment of birth Luke says the Angel of the Lord appeared to some shepherds , announcing the message of the birth .
25 If the US responded to each accordingly , the total amount of aid it would have to disburse would be " astronomical " .
26 The T'ang smiled at that , remembering his father 's tales of Augustus Shepherd 's eccentricity .
27 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
28 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
29 In March , however , the Halifax decided against this course of action while it became apparent that the Abbey National was going to face some opposition from its members who feared that an incorporated society would be more interested in the welfare of its shareholders than of its depositors and borrowers .
30 The RFAs calculated for each stimulus are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 for the subjects performing the task with and without shadowing respectively .
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