Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1935 they were summoned to Moscow by the Comintern and in April 1937 Neumann was arrested by the NKVD and disappeared for ever .
2 When the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Afghanistan the British Foreign Secretary , Lord Carrington , rapidly proposed a plan for Afghanistan which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the EEC and adopted as a joint EEC declaration on 15 January 1980 .
3 Britain has proved to be one of the least ‘ community-minded ’ members of the EEC and has for long been at odds with other states about the level of British contributions to the EEC budget .
4 Ellwood watched them get into the VW and drive towards the slip-road .
5 He will be badly injured but will return to the Highlands and live for many years . ’
6 The only break in his time at the store , also known as the Man 's Shop , came during the Second World War when he joined the RAF and served in the Middle East .
7 It was originally used by the RAF and sold for civil use in 1938 .
8 One evening we left behind the parquet floors and chandeliers of the Victoria and went on a jolly organised by Herr Platzer .
9 China has recently joined the NPT and agreed in principle to observe some limits on its missile sales .
10 Barney Summerville slid nervously from the driving seat of the Armstrong and stared with unbelieving eyes at the girl with the cool smile who stood before him .
11 She contrasted this unfavourably with the simple needs of the Masai and tried for a while to live on their diet of milk and maize meal .
12 Nick Hornby ( ‘ Mine is the generation that was terrified of the Daleks and fell in love with Valerie Singleton ’ ) carried on the Sunday Times sniping last week : ‘ It could well be that my generation is about to burst into spectacular , awe-inspiring literary life ; perhaps this year we will be reading scores of novels as dazzling as London Fields or A History of the World in 10½ Chapters , all written by men and women born after Elvis ’ first number one .
13 He saw the passenger get out of the Sierra and walk to the side of the road .
14 ‘ Many farm businesses are under pressure just now , so we would urge planners to heed advice from the DoE and bear in mind the needs of farm enterprises in this period of great upheaval for the farming industry , ’ a spokesman said .
15 Among those who generously gave up their evening to help the NCH and perform on the tiny temporary stage were : Nerys Hughes , Angela Rippon , Susan Rees accompanied by May Parry ; Penelope Keith , Robert Powell , Tamsin Little , accompanied by Vanessa Latarche : Wayne Sleep who gave a perfect performance on a tiny stage ; he was accompanied by Mark Latimer ; young Xan Blacker , also accompanied by Vanessa Latarche , Cor Meibion Gwalia , and Shirley Anne Field .
16 Belated Prussian efforts to improve the dock facilities in Danzig and to modernise the port were aided considerably by the Great Flood of 1840 which altered the course of the Vistula and opened up a new river mouth through the delta .
17 He led them round the range of the Ochils and swept through the strath down which the river Allan poured on its way to the Forth far behind him .
18 During her researches she went to Lord 's to examine the immense collection which belongs to the MCC and went into the Long Room .
19 He urged Vincent to go back to the Borinage and continue with his work there , though without promising to intercede .
20 Another month passed while they continued the old routines before company orders revealed that they were to march south to the Marne and prepare for a counter-attack against General von Ludendorff .
21 A European Energy Charter , proposed by the Netherlands and supported by the UK , attracted considerable attention in early 1991 , and a draft was approved by the Commission on Feb. 13 .
22 In discussion which followed ‘ many members remained sceptical as to the feasibility of the Dip.H.E. and commented on the ephemeral interest in existing Dip.H.E.s … enrolment for future courses would depend on the flexibility exercised in allowing entrants with qualifications other than two ‘ A ’ levels to enrol , and members regretted the intransigence of the DES in this matter' .
23 Arising from the resolute opposition by the District to the Board 's proposals , a sub-committee was also established by the Cambridge Board to consider its relations with the WEA and met for the first time in May 1938 .
24 But he criticised at greater length those university extra-mural departments which had expanded since the war through bypassing the WEA and putting on their own programmes of courses , courses with popular appeal to the already well-educated and.of a quality below that traditionally associated with universities .
25 Sotheby 's will be pinning their hopes on the decorative arts market which is performing well in Europe and the States and accounted for 56% of business last year compared to 38% in 1990 .
26 Well I erm , I was , I was burgled about a year ago and I 'm am ex er , I 'm a retired criminal lawyer , and , but I , I felt that if I lived in the States and trained in the States and I carried a gun then and I felt very vulnerable in not having a gun because he , I was in my own home and he fist me with a knife
27 While the Society of Women Market Vendors exposed the corruption of the PDC and objected to the high tariffs in the new markets , it was not sufficiently organized to form a counter-proposal or take action upon it .
28 Radio Monte Carlo reported on April 8 that the Damascus-based " rejectionist " Palestine National Salvation Front ( PNSF ) had recently outlined a " surprising " new initiative stressing the importance of adherence to the leadership of the PLO and calling for " a review of the past phase in order to agree on a political and organizational action plan " .
29 On 14 October , Cradock left the Falklands and steamed around Cape Horn to intercept the Germans .
30 We thought about going down on the saturday and staying at Great Yarmouth and then driving to the match .
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