Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [verb] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This view , represented by , for instance , Dennis Skinner ( Bolsover ) , holds that the capitalist mechanisms of the EEC prevent Britain from adopting a socialist programme aimed at creating full employment .
2 Within two weeks , the Palmers brought Christopher to Ealing hospital , saying he had gone blue , stopped breathing and had blood round his nose .
3 Fortunately the brilliant improvisation of the Marne aroused G.Q.G. to the possibilities of motor transport .
4 The Netherlands replaced Rijkaard with Johnny Bosman at half-time and resumed in irresistible fashion .
5 In early 1186 the governor-general of the Netherlands visited Vienna with his wife , the Archduchess Christine , sister of the emperor .
6 The PFA describe Baines as a guinea pig .
7 In 1971 the EPA promulgated NAAQSs for six ‘ criteria ’ pollutants , and the strict legislative timetable required states to submit implementation plans which would achieve primary standards for each pollutant by 1975 , or , if the deadline was extended as the EPA was authorized to do , by 1977 .
8 Patrese , perhaps stung by Mansell 's superiority in previous races , showed no sign of accepting a comfortable second this time and swept into the lead at the Curva do Sol on the opening lap , leaving Mansell in close pursuit ahead of Senna , Schumacher , Alesi and Brundle .
9 The Habsburgs acquired Styria after the defeat of Ottokar of Bohemia by the Holy Roman Empire at the battle of Marchfeld in 1278 .
10 An Australian schoolteacher in Hawaii wanting to write a story on the States invading Panama for The Times in London .
11 The PLO supported Jordan against the Village Leagues , since its own legitimacy was directly challenged by them .
12 Yiali in the Dodecanese supplied Crete with the white-speckled obsidian wanted for the fabric of the bowls ; possibly the obsidian came by way of Triandha as a trading station .
13 On the morrow of Marshal Ogarkov 's removal as Chief of the General Staff , Western press comment included speculation that his policy stance had come to obstruct the reassessment of arms control and East-West policy sought by the leadership ; according to one respected newspaper , senior Western military attachés in Moscow were tipped by Soviet army officers that the Kremlin blamed Ogarkov for the disasters of the SS-20 deployment and the shooting down of the Korean airliner off Sakhalin Island .
14 The Ordinatio assigned Italy to Lothar " if God wills that he lives to be our successor " ( c.17 ) , without mentioning Bernard .
15 Just when their creditors were on the point of issuing writs the Tecks left England for the continent , insolvent and heavily in debt .
16 This disendowment of a loyal servant is reminiscent of Edward 's shabby treatment of John Neville in 1470 and had similar consequences : Neville rebelled at the first real opportunity and the Howards backed Gloucester in 1483 .
17 This disendowment of a loyal servant is reminiscent of Edward 's shabby treatment of John Neville in 1470 and had similar consequences : Neville rebelled at the first real opportunity and the Howards backed Gloucester in 1483 .
18 A further solicitor 's letter informed Brenda that the Sharmas believed Robbie to be their dog ( they claimed his fur had been dyed ! ) , and that their bitch had been exchanged with another before the inspection .
19 In December of that year the KWVR ran Santa by Steam trains on a stretch of line in Haworth yard and attracted around 500 passengers to the Railway in the quiet winter months before the Railway re-opened — the rest is history .
20 The ( Iraqi ) Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Kurdistan Democratic Party on Oct. 4 issued an ultimatum to the PKK to leave Iraq by Oct. 5 , their aim being to force the PKK to leave rather than to kill or crush them .
21 We have the additional reference in The Recluse ( see p. 109 ) and a further reading of that poem shows that the Wordsworths approached Grasmere in a mood of mystical elation verging on trance .
22 The UNPROFOR left Sarajevo on May 17 for Belgrade , the Yugoslavian capital , leaving a skeleton force of 120 .
23 Tradition maintains that many of the Campbells warned Macdonalds in time for them to escape but it can not be denied that on that winter morning in Glencoe many of the Clan Campbell plumbed the depths of treachery and horror .
24 The Vimy was constructed on February 13 , it was No 13 of the batch , the Vickers crew numbered 13 , the Vimy reached Newfoundland on May 26 ( twice 13 ) , Jack arrived in Newfoundland on May 13 , and because 13 was lucky to him Jack wanted to set off on the attempt on June 13 .
25 ‘ Mother , ’ she said , ‘ the Junker put Hitler in power . ’
26 The Commons chose Pelham as a compromise candidate for one of the three commanders of the navy 28 April 1645 , confirmed 2 May .
27 For example , when the Shah met Dulles in March 1956 , he told Dulles that the thought Iran was " the most critical spot in the world today " .
28 In fact he has had no contact with our officials since the Shah fled Iran in 1979 .
29 Seven years later , many of the men and women who emerged in 1978 to express such vocal opposition to the Shah cited Persepolis as one intolerable example of Pahlavi excess .
30 The British delegation to the UN informed London on 11 February that when UNTCOK reported to the Interim Committee the United States would advocate observing elections in the south despite the refusal of north Korea to cooperate .
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