Example sentences of "the [adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Nice to see that it 's 13 without defeat in the league — the longest streak I can remember .
2 You can overcome the problem of " garbage " by reserving enough memory for the longest string you will ever put into a variable before you use it .
3 Any proprietary bacterial/anti-parasite remedy will help , but in the long run you must ask yourself if your filtration is adequate , and whether your tank is overstocked .
4 When the Minister had ended the meeting with the words , ‘ Now , Mr Sanders , what can we do to persuade you to put more investment in Ireland ? ’ the Englishman had replied , ‘ The best advocate you could have , Minister , to influence more investment in your country , is a local plant manager who consistently turns in good results , year after year .
5 She regularly employs her grandmother , ‘ who 's the best seamstress I 'll ever find — she teaches all the others to sew beautifully ’ , and , after school , a 14-year-old girl who is already showing great design ability .
6 The best reply we can give is : There is a test ( see exercise 1.11.11 ) due to Kronecker which will always tell in a finite number of steps ( which may easily be large enough to require a computer ) whether or not a given element of Q[x] is irreducible .
7 The best answer you can give in these circumstances should provide the shape for your synopsis .
8 It was the best answer she could have expected ; but the memory of Fand sinking to the ground preyed on her .
9 It is then left to the individual local authority to make the best use it can of the sum granted to it , under an overall obligation to maintain standards of services by comparison with those in other areas .
10 Sometimes that 's the best help we can give . ’
11 In recruiting the best the Profitboss gives his people the best ; the best opportunities to demonstrate their real skills , the best challenge they 'll ever have of making a key contribution .
12 The senior chief inspector and I have made the best estimate we can of the savings that can be made in the complement of Her Majesty 's inspectorate based in local offices and engaged in the inspection of schools in liaison with local education authorities .
13 I used to approach my future like a loose cannon , but now I 'm really trying to do the best work I can because I think about my daughter all the time .
14 Union representatives are particularly concerned to find out as many facts as possible to keep their members fully informed and to negotiate the best deal they can , both for those moving with the firm and those accepting redundancy .
15 The best deal they could strike .
16 The best deal I can do on the airfares is £870 — this includes a small fee for myself for the administration .
17 He had rejected the best deal she could offer him .
18 He was well read and intelligent , she knew , he was respected by his men , and from what she had gathered he was a natural leader who always dealt firmly but fairly with the employers to get the best deal he could .
19 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
20 In reality , a business — like everything else — is worth no more than the best offer you can obtain at the time of a sale .
21 It 's the best result we could have hoped for . ’
22 There was no doubt that if it did spread to the nearest stack it would set the whole hayfield alight in a very short time .
23 What we 're going to do is take you to the nearest place you can get a bus .
24 It 's a long way up to the road with a carry over the bridge to the nearest place you can park the car and trailer .
25 The higher the clay content , the more sticky the soil and the more care you must take .
26 ‘ They 've just said you 've got a great backside — and from a West Indian that 's the highest compliment you can have . ’
27 As one of the Ultra team you will recall that precise statistics of our own losses was not always possible .
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