Example sentences of "the [adv] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The horsefly larvae use their two large jaws to capture the tiny toad and pull it down into the mud where they feed on its body fluids .
2 Twenty-two athletes spend five days for the most part watching their teammates do all the work , and at the end of it all , everyone is quite happy to settle for a draw .
3 In the Variations and smaller pieces I questioned their fast tempo for little Maximiliane Brentano 's Allegretto ( WoO39 ) , and even for the minuet-like Scherzo of the early E flat Trio experiment ( WoO38 ) , while for the most part enjoying their wholly natural , unselfconscious approach to these works too .
4 Svetlanov realised that the Philharmonia could count three in a bar , and in the Polonaise from Tchaikovsky 's Eugene Onegin for the most part kept his hands regimentally to his sides , waggling his fingers every now and again .
5 Politicians are n't going to stick their necks out to help break up the various logjams unless we 're shouting and yelling at them from the bank — for the most part to encourage them , but also to warn them of dire consequences to come if they get out of the hot water before the job is done .
6 At independence governments for the most part gave them preference over entrepreneurs from immigrant groups .
7 4 ) In several places it was felt that the paper provided further evidence of the gap that exists between how we perceive things and how our constituents see them who , for the most part see themselves as the ‘ money raisers ’ — a role they also fulfil for several other organisations as well .
8 But our sources do not for the most part interest themselves in times of peace — the impression from Diodorus ' own narrative is that Dionysius did little but fight wars against Carthage ; but Carthaginian aggressiveness , like Persian , was exaggerated by ‘ crusading ’ Greek historiography and poetry .
9 It is clear , however , that Law Lords while for the most part restricting themselves to the obviously technical are not averse to speaking on social questions like capital punishment , the treatment of offenders and adultery .
10 The breed was initially dual-purpose , whatever its colour , but for the most part ceded its milking role to the neighbouring Ayrshire ; it has continued as a beef breed but has never been intensively developed for that role .
11 Last night a spokesman for the SO players said they were unhappy with the proposals , although their ballot was not a reflection on the SO management , in whom they still had complete faith .
12 The sooner Evelyn tells her what really goes on here the better , he thought .
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