Example sentences of "the [adv] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The incredibly low cost of living makes such evenings a real pleasure .
2 After a disastrous fire the new church was begun by Justinian in 532 and was built in the incredibly short time of six years , though the interior decoration was completed after this .
3 Hence his reluctance to start painting before he had mastered the incredibly difficult art of drawing — and drawing the figure especially .
4 She had already from time to time employed Mrs Rafferty , although the incredibly swift rate of her pregnancies made her appearances at Four Winds unpredictable .
5 The intimately invading pressure of another body against one 's own , from neck down to knees !
6 The locally stable strategy in any particular part of the trench lines was not necessarily Tit for Tat itself .
7 From the token half dozen kits from Malaysia we can also see not only the difference in basic shape , but also the lavishly conspicuous consumption of gold paint to provide an overall decoration of either flowers or clouds .
8 He also claims that negligence finding was made without evidence being led demonstrating the manner in which he did not reach the professionally required standard of care .
9 At one side the Reverend James MacDiarmid was standing in his dark clothes with the conspicuously expressionless demeanour of an undertaker 's mute .
10 The presidential elections were partially boycotted in the predominantly Russian area of the Dnestr region , which had held its own presidential elections on Dec. 1 , together with a referendum on independence for the region .
11 Prior to the conclusion of the Bensonhurst trial , in the early hours of May 13 a gang in the predominantly black neighbourhood of Brooklyn assaulted three Vietnamese men , one of whom suffered a fractured skull .
12 The predominantly middle-class character of the suburbs and the commuting population was to have important social consequences .
13 In this tradition the centre of authority in a family lies with the males rather than the females , although in the predominantly agricultural society in which Hinduism persisted and developed in India , women 's importance in the family economy has always been considerable .
14 Here are ranged such organizations as the National Association of Language in Education Centres ( NALEC , 1985 ) on the one hand , whose membership commands direct access through professional development teachers and initial training lectures to classroom teachers and who take the predominantly phenomenological approach to language of ‘ reading through real books ’ .
15 Hawkins had entered the predominantly Italian area of Bensonhurst in order to buy a secondhand car , but had been pursued , attacked and killed by a mob of 40 white youths who were intent upon preventing blacks from attending the birthday party of a local white girl .
16 The third type or landscape is the predominantly Bass farm with animals on permanent pasture , and this is still common in a belt running north-south from Lancashire to Dorset and into the south-west .
17 Fama , who had been found guilty of shooting Hawkins as he entered the predominantly white area of Bensonhurst , ostensibly to buy a used car , was sentenced to 33@2/3 years to life .
18 The remaining 15% or the Auvergne is not designated under the LFA Directive and this is the predominantly arable lowland in the fertile plains in the centre of the Auvergne ( see Figure 9 ) .
19 The new design retains the predominantly green colour of the original uniform and adds cheerful orange trim and piping to collars and cuffs .
20 Serbian paramilitary groups , with Yugoslav tanks based in Knin , claimed to have recaptured the predominantly Serbian town of Kupres .
21 On Aug. 10 a representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Zaghreb , Croatia , received from the Bosnian Serb authorities a list of 5,000 families ( some 28,000 people ) from the predominantly Moslem town of Bihac who they claimed had " voluntarily " expressed the desire to leave Bosnia-Hercegovina for Croatia .
22 Ismael Hassan Metareum , from the predominantly Moslem province of Aceh in northern Sumatra , was seen as a relative moderate , acceptable to both the armed forces and the government .
23 The accord 's most controversial element had been its attempt to induce Quebec to sign the 1982 federal Constitution in return for the recognition of the predominantly French-speaking province as a " distinct society " .
24 The victory of Edmonston , a bilingual anglophone , was also indicative of a degree of linguistic tolerance within the predominantly French-speaking province at a time when there was growing opposition to bilingualism within some of the English-speaking provinces .
25 Le Parti Québecois ( Jacques Parizeau l. ) , a social democratic party founded in 1968 , is committed to the achievement of sovereignty for the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec .
26 The conference , which included all 10 of the country 's provincial premiers , representatives of the federal government and territorial and native leaders , was the first occasion on which the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec had participated in direct constitutional negotiations since the collapse of the Meech Lake accord in 1990 [ see pp. 37519-20 ] .
27 It is , however , in the vastly expanded world of academic book publishing that the greatest opportunities lie .
28 But with the vastly experienced Imran in tandem with the brilliantly fluent Inzamam-ul-Haq the revised target of 193 off 36 overs suddenly looked possible .
29 In a short study it is impossible to deal in depth with the vastly complex web of politics that surrounded Barbarossa ; a glance at the list of popes shows just how complex the situation was ; hardly had any pope become established and negotiations opened , than another was taking his place .
30 The special features of such a protective system , provided for reasons of the vastly increased significance of its failure , thus render it more vulnerable than would otherwise be the case .
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