Example sentences of "the [noun pl] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 At the scene of the attack police found a plastic bag holding the pint of milk and four sausages he had bought for his tea — and some of the breadcrumbs he scattered to the birds each day .
32 But his philosophy that when your ‘ time 's up your time 's up ’ saw him through and he 's back to tell the tale , though sadly he chose not to include the pictures he took at that time .
33 This day I was motored over to Burghclere to see Stanley Spencer 's mural paintings which he is now working on in the Memorial Chapel built for the plans of the pictures he has in mind .
34 He thought his best period was the pictures he did in the Thirties , when he worked in France ’ .
35 ‘ It is not surprising , ’ writes A J Lubin , ‘ that the pictures he drew in Holland ( and in Belgium ) had Dutch qualities , for he was thoroughly saturated in his youth with knowledge of Dutch artists of the past and the present … .
36 Among the informants he met in this way was a Lebanese Army officer known as ‘ The Captain' , with close connections to the Jafaar clan .
37 Despite the fact that David was expelled in the third form for dissing the gym teacher who confiscated his Uzi and broke his crack-peddling ring , he still feels enough loyalty to the old alma mater not to drag its name through the mud by engaging the lads he fagged for in a ‘ naughty-word ’ style debate .
38 In the duets he cheated for her , sang some of her more difficult phrases with her to drown her inadequacies , and frequently stopped the piano to suggest changes of key .
39 As for Kristofferson , his voice is barely serviceable , but he is a valuable presence in this quartet of songwriters , not least because the songs he brought to Nashville in the Sixties reconnected country with the street .
40 He thought always much too easily , in highly unrealistic terms , of the peoples he ruled as a mere aggregate of individuals face to face with an absolute State .
41 Enthusiastically , curbing the dislike he felt , Hugo embarked on a plan that would give Grégoire a solid foundation in all the subjects he considered of importance .
42 One of the gentlemen he supplied with specimens was Edward Robson , a Darlington man who made the collection which is now being rehoused and documented at Sunderland .
43 The miseries he mentioned with the heating were in the past .
44 Of the speeches he made on these occasions we have such various descriptions it is impossible to be sure what he actually said .
45 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
46 Any such attempt has to look closely at their chastened but ultimately unchastenable hero , at his hostility , at his stylistic authority and command of the books he belongs to .
47 A Chicago engineer and architect , he started collecting in the 1950s the books he loved as a child , and then moved on to literature , science and judaica .
48 And the traps he set for the villains would have killed them .
49 She might despise him for the methods he used in business , but the fact remained that she loved him , and if there was anything she could do to protect him she would do it .
50 Again he felt himself thinking brilliantly , knowing at the same time that the words he heard in his head would sound ridiculous if used in speech .
51 The voice did not come from Cornelius , although those were the words he had in mind to use .
52 It is in the erm statement of faith to substitute for the phrase by his death on the cross the words he died on the cross for the sins of the world .
53 The pupil builds up the words he wants in a stand , and can test out his ideas without having to commit them to paper yet .
54 Hoover 's optimism about the future of the USA had been underlined by the words he used on accepting nomination We in America today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land .
55 Them 's the words he used to me
56 Those were the words he spoke to her as she lay in his arms in the vulnerable moments following his pleasure when only a lout — in his opinion — would turn away from a woman without a word and go to sleep .
57 No way , she felt , of changing things with him , she was just there with him , he told her he loved her so there she was , identified and placed by the words he spoke of her .
58 The roles he played in the glossy pages of The New Yorker , for instance , were almost parodies of gracious living and social superiority .
59 But I pointed out to him that Mr. Banks was not making cuts himself — he was merely repeating the lines he heard in his earphone . ’
60 With the Congress leadership in jail , the Round Table conference which met in London in November , at Irwin 's initiative , to discuss constitutional advance , came to nothing , and Irwin realized that he must forego the pleasure of seeing the troublemakers in jail for the hope of constitutional development along the lines he had in mind for India .
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