Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 If the approved accounts do not comply with the Act , every director who was a party to their approval and who knows that they do not comply or is reckless as to whether or not they comply is guilty of an offence and every director at the time the accounts were approved is taken to be a party to their approval unless he shows that he took all reasonable steps to prevent their approval .
2 The apparatus in which the animals were irradiated was designed to accommodate six animals arranged radially about the central axis of the x ray beam with their heads toward the centre .
3 The great galvanised iron shed where the valves were made was a cacophonous and tumultuous place , full of Stakhanovite workers torturing plugs of super-heavy metal with screaming drill bits .
4 An additional problem is that the stimuli over which the relationships were observed were just six exemplars each of only ten junctions .
5 The area in which the traps were placed was totally protected from any outside agency except scavenging by other small mammals .
6 The proceedings were dominated by the developing study skills programme within the school , and it was this which the evaluators were assured was the major thrust of the school 's post-project library development .
7 A UN helicopter attempting a reconnaissance mission to the area where the troops were seized was hit by Khmer Rouge gunfire on Dec. 2 .
8 Erm , there was a big reunion at the house of the Mayor of Strasbourg , Baron Dietrich , and they discussed a number of things , and one of the topics was raised was how coarse the Revolutionary songs were .
9 Winchester 's position is , and has been since they first saw the copy notice , that the allegations in it were unfounded and that some or all of the factual material on which the allegations were based was inaccurate .
10 Winchester 's position is , and always has been , that the allegations in the intervention notice were unfounded and that some at least of the factual material on which the allegations were based was inaccurate .
11 A further indication of the skill and care with which the arrangements were made was our accommodation for the night .
12 Amendments made : No. 62 , in page , 47 line , 43 , at end insert — ( ) The terms and conditions on which the Secretary of State may make any grants under this paragraph may include in particular conditions — ( a ) enabling him to require the repayment , in whole or in part , of sums paid by him if any other condition subject to which the sums were paid is not complied with ; and ( b ) requiring the payment of interest in respect of any period during which a sum due to him in accordance with any other condition remains unpaid , but shall not relate to the application by the college council to which the grant is made of any sums derived otherwise than from the Secretary of State . ' .
13 The jails where the demonstrators were held were deluged with letters and Christmas food parcels .
14 In addition , through an extensive programme of petrological identification of Neolithic stone axes found in Europe , the sites where the stone for the axes was quarried are gradually being identified .
15 Some idea of how badly the police were treated is given by the reports of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner which show that roughly one-in-four of London 's policemen were assaulted each year — 3,444 cases were reported in 1899 , for example , when the constabulary strength was 13,213 men and 1,949 sergeants — as police authorities pressed for firmer measures in assault cases .
16 Where the allegation is that the person to whom the remarks were addressed was likely to form a given belief , it means ‘ likely to form ’ and not ‘ did form . ’
17 In talking of groups it soon became abundantly clear that the young lady to whom the remarks were addressed was mystified .
18 The area where the women were killed is a popular tourist resort .
19 How the acquisitions were financed is less clear .
20 The room in the workhouse where the boys were fed was a large stone hall , and at one end the master and two women served the food .
21 No tangible progress was made in resolving the differences between the two Korean states , and the atmosphere in which the talks were conducted was more hostile than on previous occasions .
22 ‘ The bottles in which the samples were placed were not sealed properly according to IAAF rules , ’ said Mr Emig .
23 A 30 minute equilibration period , during which the samples were discarded was followed by six hours of collection .
24 The only way in which such a procedure might be excused is if the societies from which the samples were drawn were homogeneous — an assumption which is hard to sustain .
25 ‘ The reason the tyres were heated was this : when we cut out the piece of the loose tyre and welded it together it was –en smaller than the actual woodwork on the wheel .
26 The number of piles in which the cards were sorted were 2 , 4 , 8 , and 16 requiring from 1 to 4 bits of information .
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