Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 This Board , whose role is by no means a formality , as it has to vet every one of the artists shown at the exhibition , is now made up of people who reflect the old groupings : seven Christian Democrats , six Socialists , two PDS ( formerly Communist ) , one Liberal and one Social Democrat .
2 The defenders pushed at the makeshift scaling ladders , and at least one went crashing back down into the crowd below ; but those who exposed themselves to do it were immediately the target of a dozen archers .
3 Of the deputies elected at the federal election in June 1990 only 17 per cent were re-elected , not including any of the former federal deputy prime ministers except for Klaus .
4 In some instances constraints would be imposed indirectly through the imposition of a duty to provide reasons ; in other cases the courts hinted at the limits they would set , such as if the decision was perverse or made in bad faith .
5 When the edge of the shadow cone cast by one atom crosses the position of a neighbouring atom , the ions concentrated at the edge of the cone make direct collisions with the neighbouring atom and are back scattered .
6 So do make sure that at least one of the contacts listed at the foot of the release is around to answer questions .
7 Of the ‘ preferred ’ fruit trees , the distributions of the adult trees of three of them closely resembled the seed shadows made by the tamarins in a way not unlike that of the birds mentioned at the end of section 6.2.1 .
8 They too have mastered the fundamentals of the Common Military Syilabus and will continue to build on the foundations laid at the WRAC Centre When they return to their units .
9 Members of the official opposition Conservative Party walked out en masse during de Klerk 's speech , the party 's leader , Andries Treurnicht , complaining that the proposals struck at the roots of white community life .
10 If the proposals announced at the end of last year by the Lord chancellor go through , up to 12 million people could find that they are not eligible or can not afford legal aid after April 1st .
11 As Personal Assistant to John Watson , prepare a report reviewing Palatine Ales ' position following the successful conclusion of the takeover battle , evaluating the proposals made at the last Board meeting , and submitting your recommendations regarding future policy .
12 Interestingly , The Times reported at the time that not enough professional people served on juries , and that manual workers and the unemployed did not ‘ represent a cross section of society ’ made up by juries .
13 AT&T blamed a downturn in demand for the products made at the Irish plants and increasing competitiveness in international markets .
14 The three whose costs were unexpectedly low at second assessment were exceptional cases for the reasons stated at the foot of the table .
15 Equally , the management of motivation in education has been problematic — for many of the reasons identified at the start of this chapter .
16 And we now have fifty agents of different nationalities , all highly trained in the skills taught at the special place . ’
17 The role of councillors would be strengthened : they would sit on the local bodies armed with the knowledge of the policies adopted at the centre of the council .
18 The spurs ripped at the Muslim 's bird and drew blood on its back , just above the wing .
19 The syllables heard at the two ears differed only in the initial consonant or only in the middle vowel .
20 The fingers scooped at the pages as if there was a reference that was familiar .
21 Three fours eight , nine , ten queen high the pairs stuck at the end though dear .
22 Among his earliest recorded works were the illustrations to the catalogue of the objects shown at the 1850 exhibition of ancient and medieval art at the Society of Arts .
23 The model boats in his room , both racing yachts on which his father had crewed , varnished and painted , detailed painstaking work which was accurate down to the nameplates fixed at the stern , Caprimo , Sea Witch .
24 ( 7–9 ) ) : where and , denote the values evaluated at the observed values .
25 To get back to the ponies mentioned at the start of this article .
26 At the workshop the organisers had managed to unite informed educational opinion throughout Nigeria and to establish a productive working climate in which panels in six areas of the primary school curriculum : cultural and creative art , languages , mathematics , physical and health education , science and social studies met and in the light of the goals set at the 1969 Curriculum Conference expanded and refined objectives in these areas and produced a series of guidelines which have since been used throughout Nigeria at university and state level as a basis for detailed curriculum planning .
27 As a company and as individuals , we are still a very long way from the goals set at the outset of TOP in February 1992 and much remains to be done .
28 At least two of the journalists seized at the Marriott hotel on Wednesday were still feared to be in pro-Noriega hands yesterday .
29 But it also contained films by Hitchcock dealing with British stories that avoided the sort of grandiosity which afflicted so many of the pictures pitched at the US market , and had as much wit as The Private Life of Henry VIII .
30 Among the solutions proposed at the conference were increased emphasis on sustainable logging and the production of finished wood products , a halt to exports of raw logs , retraining loggers and employing them on repairing damaged forests and rivers .
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