Example sentences of "the [noun pl] back [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Several hundred Kurds picketed the Home Office in protest at the continuing detentions and the deportations back to Turkey where they are said to face oppression and torture .
2 It 's smashing walking along this track because it 's firm underfoot and the views back to Malham and over to Great Scar and Attermire are worth nine out of ten in anybody 's book .
3 We are particularly anxious to bring the courts back into use for the 1993 season , so we would be most grateful if the application could be dealt with as soon as possible .
4 Comfort met some rebuffs from people she had counted as her friends , who resented their allies ' safety from occupation almost as much as the damage they had inflicted on France as they pushed the Germans back after D-Day .
5 The US flew in CH-47 Chinook helicopters to transport the prisoners back to Saudi Arabia .
6 The group nurses the animals back to health at Rossett , near Chester , before finding a good home for them .
7 The group nurses the animals back to health at Rossett , near Wrexham , before finding a good home for them .
8 She maintains the changes were essential to get the books back into libraries .
9 He may well have been scorned , he may well have lost his job bad word may have got back to Rome , they may have sent the telegrams back to Caesar telling him all about Pilate , but it was n't sufficient reason for him rejecting Christ .
10 The extras here were harder to recruit and less cooperative than the enthusiasts back in Pennsylvania .
11 Collectors can hardly have failed to notice the appearances back in March not only of Volume 1 of our survey of recommended mid- and budget priced recordings , but also a more selective ‘ Top 100 ’ in two other publications .
12 ‘ They all want to see the Conservatives back in power . ’
13 The Madeirans replied and claimed to have forced the troops back on board ship .
14 ‘ It 's bringing the woodlands back into production that 's important , ’ he says .
15 Straight afterwards we headed home , from where the Diary is being written , to welcome the bairns back from school , make their tea , and while doing the washing up generally box them round the lugs .
16 Subsequently , perhaps in 418 , perhaps in 419 , a new treaty brought the Visigoths back to Aquitaine .
17 So when they hear this , the apostles back in Jerusalem , they send Peter and John down to Somaria for this special purpose that they might pray for them , that they might receive the Holy Spirit .
18 The presidential election of 1952 brought the Republicans back to power for the first time in 20 years .
19 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
20 ‘ The time has come to pay the strangers back in kind .
21 But can I take the questions back to Jimmy please and continue .
22 He 's already brought one of the glasshouses back into production … and hopes to have restored the others within three years .
23 As a result of intense competition , bonds are often sold at a discount to attract investors ( the " reallowance " ) or else banks would sell their bonds in the grey market ( a market for bonds on which the issue price or syndicate allocations has not yet been determined , where quotes are set in relation to the unknown final price ) , which may oblige the lead manager to buy the bonds back in order to support the price .
24 The Falkland Isles were first occupied by the British in March 1765 , but a Spanish expedition from Buenos Aires , in 1770 , initially expelled the British , but Spain surrendered the Isles back to Britain , in January 1771 , after the threat of war .
25 Culley handed the glasses back to Mathers .
26 By twelve , I had learned how to bargain with the suppliers at Covent Garden while displaying a poker face , later selling the same produce to the customers back in Whitechapel with a grin that stretched from ear to ear .
27 If you are imitating Card No. 1 on your graph paper , this will be easily apparent and do not forget that you will have to return any selected needles at the edges back to B position .
28 The carriage will knit , bringing the needles back to B position as it does so .
29 The new State would seek to draw the minorities back into union with Russia but only as ‘ a free and fraternal union of workers and working people ’ .
30 I pulled off my entire six-man defence and , much to his surprise , sent on Reg Pybus as the lone forward and moved the forwards back into defence .
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