Example sentences of "the [noun pl] who [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But the experts who examined him afterwards almost certainly thought he had been infected by female chiggoe fleas , which attach themselves between the toes or on the soles of the feet .
2 But before doing so , he contacted the solicitors who represented him in 1981 and they arranged for the crown court appearance .
3 The solicitors who gave him the court order for them to release all the details on that .
4 Therefore , it 's rather ironic that one of the clubs who pipped them for promotion to Division I , West of Scotland , reckon the very reason they are going up is down to their New Zealand lock , Gordon McPherson .
5 On paper , Olympia & York still looked like a good thing to the institutions who gave their money .
6 Therefore , so far as the original shareholders were concerned , clause 3 of the shareholders ' agreement did not amount to an unlawful fetter on the company 's statutory power to increase its share capital ; it was simply a personal agreement outside the articles between the shareholders who executed it about how they would exercise their voting rights in relation to the creation or issue of shares , and did not purport to bind future shareholders .
7 The engagements used to go to the artists who brought them back the best presents from their tours abroad .
8 the work of the artists who interpreted their historical reality on to canvas , but the importance in Latin America of the art itself should not be underestimated , particularly the iconography of the monarchy .
9 The barbotine technique allowed the potters to display these with a fluid eloquence , although the addition of triple tails of imaginative and flamboyant form clearly shows that these creatures were rarely if ever seen by the potters , or the artists who provided their models .
10 I 'm developing a suspicion that the heavies who raided me might have been their cronies .
11 Born in 1939 near Crecy in Northern France , his childhood was overshadowed by women , war and , inevitably , the Germans who occupied their village .
12 The prisoners who built it left their own rather macabre memento by incorporating a hangman 's noose into one of the rafters , with a nearby door leading into empty space and a four metre drop .
13 The key to this was developing attitude scales , many of them named after the researchers who devised them .
14 In fact , Donaldson and Balfour , and nearly all the researchers who followed them , gave children questions with more on one occasion , and questions with less on another , so the two terms never appeared in the same session or the same block .
15 One supporter summed up the feelings of them all about the authorities who took them away .
16 Neither has been caught because both seem to have known of the swoops on their many hide-outs even before the authorities who conducted them .
17 Kakoo 's life spanned almost a century and her wonderful memory made everything so vivid for all the generations who knew her .
18 I went in and spoke to one of the secretaries who said she would er she would do it and send us material .
19 Most of this was exported to the United States via the Cyprus-Frankfurt pipeline , nicknamed khouriah ( ‘ shit ’ ) by the couriers who used it , or via Turkey , the Balkans , central Europe and then on to New York and points west .
20 ‘ Silly sausage , ’ he teased , and , although she carried on studying to complete her A levels , when Fabia left school she seemed to just naturally fill the niche that was tailor-made for her in feeding and exercising the dogs and giving an extra helping of love and attention to the animals who needed it .
21 And he still can not resist , all these years later , a spiky dig — ‘ but most gratifying of all was that the journalists who condemned me were proved so utterly wrong ’ .
22 The theory must have sounded wonderful to the think-tankers who dreamed it up .
23 In fact the victims were mainly the families of senior military officers and the Ba'ath party officials , and the walkie-talkies were being used by the drivers who took them to the shelter .
24 In fact these two opinions are not incompatible : a Merovingian may have had a large income , but he also had vast financial commitments ; he had to reward his faithful retainers ; he had to endow the shrines of the saints , to ensure their support , and that of the clergy who served them ; he would also have to demonstrate his piety in almsgiving .
25 Nor was it much higher among the clergy who found themselves not only heavily taxed without the discretionary right of refusal which they enjoyed in respect of royal taxes , but also threatened with excommunication and ecclesiastical penalties for non-compliance .
26 The Iranians might welcome a secession in Iraq 's south , especially if the Shias who detached themselves from Baghdad chose later to attach themselves to their co-religionists in Tehran .
27 She was a guest teacher at the prestigious Medau Teachers ' Whitsum Course in Coburg in 1983 and the trainers who experienced her work there have managed to persuade her to come to England to work with the English teachers .
28 The people who created the Garotter 's Act , together with the gentlemen who egged them on from the sidelines helping to fashion the vocabulary of objections to penal reform which remain with us to this day , were thus the same men whose blunted moral sensibilities enabled them to preside over this magnanimous process of ‘ civilisation ’ without turning a hair .
29 He sounded almost like the gentlemen who brought their horses to be shod at Samson 's smithy , except for a slight foreign way of leaning on the wrong part of the words .
30 The brothers who beat him up are involved in the drugs racket .
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