Example sentences of "the [noun pl] who have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They claimed the Goths who had settled along the Vistula and in the Ukraine as the founders of the Polish state , saying that rule and order had been brought to these lands over the heads of the drunken , idolatrous and stupid Polish peasantry .
2 It was n't Morris , it was n't identifiable , even to a keen archaeologist — not unless he happened to be all too well informed about the experts who had interested themselves in Aurae Phiala , and even in their heirs and heiresses , down to herself .
3 IT systems are available now which can be trained by experts to perform decision making activities based on implicit information as well as , or even better than , the experts who have trained them .
4 The crowds who had jostled close to each other all day , shoulder to ruthless shoulder , thigh to strange thigh , had left their unexpungeable smell .
5 By the time the church meetings ended , the Nikolaikirche Square and the surrounding streets were already full to overflowing with the crowds who had failed to gain entry into any of the churches .
6 September 19 , 1974 Freshly advised , Mr Ali issued a writ against the solicitors who had represented him until November 1969 alleging negligence .
7 Lastly , interviews were carried out with panel members , and with some of the solicitors who had had black clients , to explore their perceptions .
8 The chefs who have signed on are leading a new golden era of culinary craft , ’ said Peter Taylor , associate director of the academy .
9 And the station he chose to watch , rather than the giants who have dominated American TV for decades , was Cable Network News . ’
10 Whilst a younger generation of women artists are getting certain recognition , the artists who have laid the foundation for our young contemporaries should not be erased from memory .
11 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
12 She told Julia that she had put the blame for her child on to one of the Germans who had arrested her .
13 The general standard of farming was good , reflecting the influence of the sons who had attained either a degree or a diploma in agriculture before returning home .
14 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
15 It did not belong to the prisoners who had escaped that day .
16 On the floor , in the filth and the watery amber half-light , he scraped at the bolt that had felt the boots and slippers and sandals of the prisoners who had encompassed his life time .
17 After all , it was the British and the Russians who had dominated Iran through the nineteenth and much of the twentieth centuries .
18 There was no significant difference in severity of disease between the groups who had obtained and had not obtained higher qualifications .
19 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
20 But it is not only the artists and the entertainers who have recapitulated , for their own purposes , the fabulous elements in primitive tradition ; the academic writers , the learned purveyors of supposedly factual knowledge , have done just the same .
21 A doctor , Alvarez was alleged to have participated in the 1985 torture and murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena-Salazar by helping to prolong the agent 's life so that the drug-traffickers who had captured him could continue to interrogate him .
22 How could any jury — white or black — acquit the cops who had beat Rodney King senseless ?
23 It is a case of the outlaws who have become outcasts staying in the outhouse . ’
24 But what makes those involved remain optimistic is the number , and talent , of the performers who 've emerged in the past two years .
25 It might alienate the clients who had hated Bambi as kids .
26 He wished that one of the journalists who 'd interviewed him had expressed the substance of his life and work in such up-market , romantic terms .
27 The schools who 've volunteered to help the orphans will meet the cost of the air fares and fees themselves .
28 And our thanks to the readers who have given us their continuing support .
29 Just ask the parents of some of the drivers who 've killed themselves and see what they call it .
30 Gaug has been in a position to evaluate the drivers who have used his Goodyear tyres .
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