Example sentences of "the [noun pl] as it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The Aerosols were almost impossible to stop , and the soldiers and their weapons and equipment were getting burned and melted all over the place until one brave soldier who had clung on to one of the Aerosols as it flew back to its base came back ( after many adventures ) with the news that their base was a breadboard moored under an overhang on an inland creek .
2 Adam was under one of the lamps as it burst to life .
3 Standing in the back of one of the pick-ups as it sped across the hard sand , with the dust spiralling out behind us across the vast plain , it seemed that a whole new world was opening up .
4 Behind him the dragon roared and crashed through the bushes as it tried to turn around , but Hrun was running , running , with his gaze fixed on Liartes and a dead branch in his hands .
5 The second ( b ) suggests that the ratio may not increase as steadily in the mid-1980s as it had hitherto because the freeze on places and the shift towards science and technology would militate against women .
6 Most fortunately for the Allies as it turned out , since within days Falkenhayn was to unleash all his troops from the area of fallen Antwerp , together with supplementary formations of volunteers , stiffened by regulars , in a massive stroke down the coastline , with the object of encircling the sanguine Joffre 's left flank .
7 The crash happened yesterday morning when the goods train left the rails as it entered Maidstone East station .
8 One of them was two metres long and must have had a devastating effect on the plants as it browsed its way through the wet green bogs .
9 Two of these they spotted as the German pilots began diving onto the Hurricanes tails , and at the right moment Westmacott carried out a hard climbing turn , coming out behind one of the Messerschmitts as it began to pull up .
10 Mr Prescott said : ‘ If private capital can not produce the goods as it said it could , they should be given a short period of time to clear the mess up , or we will take it over .
11 If that nose had pleased the gods as it pleased Caesar and Antony , a loose Alexandrian gnosticism might have prevailed instead of the Christian discipline imposed by the two Romes , the old one on the Tiber , and the new one on the Bosporus .
12 The River Aire , then purple with dye from the mills as it coursed under Leeds Bridge , began its journey as a pure , gushing stream tumbling cold and clear down through Airedale from Malham Cove — not far as the kestrel flies .
13 Militarisation worked for the Nazis as it had for the Prussians in that it helped control large numbers of people , allowed a cheap and easy growth of populist emotion and nationalist identity and became the mainspring of industry by providing demand .
14 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
15 And apart from this exacerbation of old quarrels at the level of official and formal relations , religion lost some of its hold on the masses as it did less and less to provide channels for social protest .
16 Although the maker and even country of origin of these pieces surprisingly remains unknown , one view holding that they are German rather than French , this uncertainty did not matter to the bidders as it sold to an anonymous private collector for $1,700,000 ( £944,400 ) .
17 The hedgehogs could hear its tremendous feet crunching through the weeds as it bounded away .
18 This design was not popular with the boatmen as it gave a less comfortable steering position — it was noisier and closer to the exhaust .
19 Merseyside Coroner Roy Barter told the Liverpool hearing that she must have inhaled the bacteria as it floated through the air as vapour from a contaminated hot water outlet .
20 The break-through that the Anisminic case made was the recognition by the majority of this House that if a tribunal whose jurisdiction was limited by statute or subordinate legislation mistook the law applicable to the facts as it had found them , it must have asked itself the wrong question , i.e. , one into which it was not empowered to inquire and so had no jurisdiction to determine .
21 The break-through that the Anisminic case made was the recognition by the majority of this House that if a tribunal whose jurisdiction was limited by statute or subordinate legislation mistook the law applicable to the facts as it had found them , it must have asked itself the wrong question , i.e. , one into which it was not empowered to inquire and so had no jurisiction to determine .
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