Example sentences of "the [noun pl] that it had " in BNC.

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1 It might seem that so artificial a superiority was certain to prove as transient as the hegemonies that it had replaced , although those in whose hands power lay were for the most part undaunted by the new challenges to Britain 's position that they sensed …
2 The industry wanted to be able to use the funds that it had generated to invest in youth training .
3 Irrespective of the certainties or ambiguities in the roles that it had begun to develop , the CNAA was also — as a policy instrument — incomplete .
4 I am happy to acknowledge the views of the Northern Ireland Economic Council , and the questions that it had at the time of its submission need to be dealt with .
5 I asked Joe about the heart attack and the changes that it had brought to his life as he settled down for his six hours ' daily practice at the Manor Leisure Club in Yeadon , near Leeds-Bradford Airport .
6 Zahedi said he intended to settle the oil dispute with Britain as fast as he could , and the United States at once promised the loans that it had refused Mossadeq .
7 It has not been possible for the American navy to leave behind the assets that it had developed there , but my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence will certainly take note of the point that the hon. Lady raised about Ministry of Defence assets in the area .
8 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
9 Half an hour after the finish the stewards disqualified the Schlesser/Baldi Mercedes on the grounds that it had been given a tenth of a litre more than its 246-litre fuel allowance .
10 While criticized by many on the grounds that it had few ‘ teeth ’ and represented a compromise between the DoE and all other departments ( notably those of Agriculture and of Transport ) , it was none the less a major achievement .
11 In brief , in 1615 Andrewes was a member of a commission appointed to consider the request of Lady Essex for an annulment of her marriage on the grounds that it had never been consummated .
12 Rather than reject Marxism on the grounds that it had been disproved by history , as Merleau-ponty had done , he sought to account for Stalinism through a dialectical analysis of the specific history of the Soviet Union since the Revolution : theory and practice , he argued , had become separated with the result that the former had become ‘ sclerosed ’ while the latter had become ‘ blind ’ and ‘ unprincipled ’ ( I , 50 ) .
13 However , he is regarded as a less vocal critic of the government , has banned the study of the Medellin documents and asked nuns and priests to withdraw from their community work on the grounds that it had become too dangerous :
14 The deputy judge refused probate of the 1982 document on the grounds that it had not been duly executed in that , although the amendment by section 17 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 of section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 allowed a valid signature to be made otherwise than at the foot of the will , it had not altered the requirement that the testator should have made his will before signing it ; and that , in any event , the testator had lacked testamentary capacity .
15 The new country rejected the new name Azania on the grounds that it had slave origins — and preferring the sense that it was a vital part of the continent as a whole .
16 It was the first contact between the LDP and the North Korean government , and marked a significant shift in policy by the latter communist regime , which had hitherto rejected overtures from the Japanese government on the grounds that it had diplomatic relations with South Korea .
17 It had been accepted under the UDF umbrella , but after the ethnic strife at the beginning of 1990 concerning the Turkish minority it had been rejected on the grounds that it had been constituted on ethnic lines .
18 Nonetheless the rebels immediately announced their rejection of the new Constitution on the grounds that it had been adopted by a National Assembly which the MNR considered invalid .
19 On April 4 President Özal announced that Turkey had admitted 100,000 Kurdish refugees , reversing its previous decision to close its borders ( which it had taken on the grounds that it had neither the infra-structure nor the resources to cope with the flood of Kurdish refugees ) .
20 This was the second attempt to install the liberal Komissarov in the post : in January Moscow city soviet had nominated him to replace the hardliner Pyotr Bogdanov , but the USSR Interior Ministry had rejected the nomination on the grounds that it had not been consulted , and had ordered Bogdanov to remain in the post .
21 Syria , which signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) in 1969 , had previously declined to conclude such an agreement on the grounds that it had no nuclear installations .
22 However , the government demanded a five-year grace period before paying into the UN-supervised compensation fund for Kuwaiti victims of Iraq 's occupation and the ensuing war , on the grounds that it had to meet domestic needs first , including the US$194,000 million cost of reconstruction .
23 There was also hostility towards the report from some of the provincial premiers who had opposed Meech Lake on the grounds that it had made too many special concessions to Quebec .
24 This announcement had been made at a council of the ROC , but was retracted in Kiev on April 14 on the grounds that it had been made under pressure .
25 The Mexican government protested against the kidnapping of Alvarez on the grounds that it had violated the 1978 extradition treaty between the two countries , and demanded the return of the doctor so that he could be prosecuted in Mexico .
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