Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [unc] [noun pl] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 However , so far the attitude has tended to be sympathetic — it is not , after all , in the creditors ' interests to exclude a member and thereby reduce earning potential .
2 It may well be in the defenders ' interests to consider a minimum Tender justifiable , with some educated guess work , on the scraps of information available , in the expectation that if the pursuer is not to accept the Tender , further vouching will have to be produced .
3 The Act aimed to reinforce rather than to diminish parental responsibility by requiring the presence of parents in court and by increasing the courts ' powers to require parents to pay fines for their children 's offences .
4 Instead , the evidence strongly suggested that the higher imprisonment rate in England and Wales was brought about by the courts ' decisions to commit a greater number of people to prison , both on remand and also under sentence .
5 There was still over an hour to go before his rendezvous with Rose and he decided to walk around the jewellers ' shops to find something he could afford .
6 Next day , in her usual riding class , Evelyn was given one of the beginners ' ponies to ride ; not because she had become ‘ big-headed ’ over night , but because her instructor had spotted one weakness in her riding .
7 And the Hammers ' efforts to find an equaliser met stern resistance , until Morley produced his high-quality goal 15 minutes from time .
8 But despite all the authorities ' attempts to pretend that all goes well , the birthday celebrations are moving forward in the shadow of a public mood of national crisis , dramatised by the tens of thousands of East Germans struggling to flee to the West in recent weeks .
9 His theory is in stark contrast to the biologists ' attempts to find a relationship between the prohibitions on certain types of marriage partner , and the inhibitions about having sexual contact with such classes of people .
10 In cases considered since Roe , the Supreme Court has generally shown more deference to congressional restrictions than to the states ' attempts to overturn Roe , for example it ruled that public funds may not be used for abortions whether therapeutic or non-therapeutic ( Harris v. McRae 1980 ) .
11 Testing complicates the issue of fulfilment of the employers ' obligations to provide jobs to successful Compact graduates .
12 He also won leave to challenge decisions of the South East Thames regional health authority to allot money to district health authorities for work on proposed trusts , as well as the districts ' decisions to spend such money .
13 The appropriate change in day length causes the animals ' bodies to produce hormones which activate their reproductive organs .
14 This will highlight some of the key issues raised during evaluation which relate to the effectiveness or otherwise of the schools ' attempts to achieve a practical realisation of their project proposals .
15 Reflector boards shone light up into the subjects ' faces to refine the modelling ( reflections give a certain hooded look to the eyes in the portrait here ) .
16 The authors ' efforts to extend the book out of Operation C-Chase into a more comprehensive study of BCCI do not exhibit the same grasp of detail , nor contain the same level of tension as their best chapters .
17 The spirit of true craftsmanship is , however , best seen in those items which , as far as is known , were unique in their time and which required all the craftsmen 's skills to achieve .
18 Then it may be in the parties ' interests to leave the money in the account but transfer the benefit of the account to the third party by some other means ; for instance , by the depositor constituting himself a trustee of the account for the benefit of the third party , or by him assigning the money in his account to the third party .
19 It is perhaps a reminder to the parties ' advisers to encourage the parties to have one final read through the engrossments before execution .
20 For two days , Joseph rejected the commissioners ' overtures to buy his territory , explaining simply : ‘ We love the land .
21 Mr Davis has spent thousands of pounds fighting in court for the gypsies ' rights to stay .
22 Public care is seen as inevitably damaging the psychological health of the child and as a verdict on the parents ' abilities to offer appropriate care .
23 The Conservatives ' attempts to deal with it were hardly fair to the Boards , however .
24 It was helped by the obvious inadequacy , indeed fatuity , of the governments ' plans to protect their populations by civil defence .
25 The government found itself having to make concessions to normally docile bodies like the House of Lords and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals , over such matters as security of tenure for academics and the universities ' powers to raise their own finance .
26 The polytechnics have responded to the universities ' attempts to recruit CDP members by demanding a merger deadline — probably April 1993 .
27 At the turn of the year the Fed further nudged down interest rates to encourage the banks ' customers to borrow more .
28 After spending more of the taxpayers ' funds to make the King Edmondo seaworthy , and to rig her out with state-of-the-art marine communications equipment , Coleman handed the boat over in late March to Hurley , who renamed her Skunk Kilo .
29 It should be remembered by the advisers that , following completion , the management and the investors will work together as a team and it is not in the investors ' interests to antagonise or demoralise their management team at the outset .
30 It is unlikely to be in the investors ' interests to provide the entrepreneurs with as much as 20% or 25% of the equity at the outset .
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