Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [noun] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He would n't even take the tablets Alan gave him .
2 So you put in all the hours God gives you .
3 The Customs men gave me a cup of coffee , mopped up my tears and — ’
4 The weapons systems gave him some readiness read-outs .
5 Her bright tone brought a reluctant smile to Faye 's lips , then she dabbed her swollen eyes with the tissues Belinda gave her and tried to struggle to a sitting position .
6 We enjoy all the articles , and the Escapes pages give us ideas for when we get home .
7 She said : ‘ The Options course gave me confidence and the information you could go miles for and never find — like the fact 70 per cent of all jobs are n't advertised .
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