Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [noun] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Historians are divided into two viewpoints about the Tsars ability to reassert his power and avoid revolution .
2 At the same moment the Customs officer put his hand on Magwitch 's shoulder , and Magwitch pulled the cloak off the other man in the boat .
3 The Customs officer tilted his head to one side , observing her through eyes slitted against the smoke .
4 In an attempt to defuse the protests Roh dismissed his Minister for Home Affairs , Ahn Eung Mo , on April 27 and replaced him with Lee Sang Yeon .
5 Once the machine had disappeared behind the trees Bonefish shook his head sadly .
6 Seeing this stranger among the gleaners Boaz asks his foreman about Ruth , and she is as we 've mentioned , she , he talks about her diligence , about her respectful ways , about her , her consideration for other and Boaz offers to her , three things , he offers to her guidance he says , do n't go anywhere else , you stay here .
7 The burly figure of the games master barred his way and shouted the words ‘ Science Room ! ’ into his left ear .
8 He urged the police committee to approve his plans in principle to be implemented ‘ when the financial situation improves ’ .
9 One story of how a local university academic had come into the police station to report his car missing , because he had forgotten where he had parked it , was repeated with relish ; while another which I told on my return from university satisfied these deeply held views of the ‘ intellectual 's ’ practical ineptitude :
10 At 9pm on Friday 19 December , PC Laney left the police station to begin his patrol .
11 ‘ Keep them covered , ’ the police Sergeant told his colleague .
12 It had been prudent of him to call in the police surgeon to confirm his estimate of the time of death .
13 And because her bag was light , with only Miss Gemma Dallam 's brown Chinese satin in it , and her hopes as high as she ever allowed them to be , she smiled at everybody else who came her way , the fishmonger , the old-clothes dealer pushing his cart with its flea-ridden bundles ; the organ-grinder whose emaciated monkey , cowering sadly on his shoulder , always caused her a stab of pain :
14 The ones Mick makes his money from — at the track . ’
15 Officers from Stephen 's Wiltshire-based squadron provided a guard of honour and the bearers party carried his Union Jack draped coffin with his RAF cap resting on the top .
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