Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Even after the passing of minimum-wage legislation in 1909 , as many as 42 per cent of the homeworkers in the trades covered by the Acts found that they could not earn the statutory minimum .
2 When bad times came and wages were below the level on which they could support their families , the labourers found that they had to ask the authorities of the parish in which they lived for relief ; in other words they became paupers , who could be sent to the workhouse .
3 Lloyd George might think that in beating Wilson over the space requirements of Asiatics in the debate over the Merchant Shipping Act in 1906 he was delivering the working classes from their unworthy prejudices against foreign seamen , but the seamen thought that they knew better .
4 He threw himself down on the bed with his head on my stomach , groaning , and between the groans saying that he would be a good husband in future , he honestly would , he adored me , he was very ashamed and only hoped I could forgive him .
5 Before applying for legal aid , the solicitors consider that it will be necessary to see the video of the boy 's interview with the police and social services , and to obtain and consider the social service records .
6 Erm nowadays that 's not the case and erm all the institutions know that there are some damn good firms out in the provinces who can who can provide the service .
7 Karen fears this may have been because of the news coverage the triplets had when they were born .
8 This is the man behind it all , Ralph Reader , a successful composer in the thirties who agreed to write songs for the scouts to perform and his material is still used today .
9 They were three quarters of the way through the meal when Caspar , who did not miss anything any of the giants said and who had , in fact , long since perfected the art of listening to three different conversations at once , suddenly went rather white and made frantic gestures to Fenella .
10 We should be able to tell you something of the nature of the fastenings used but I doubt if we can say whether a body was involved .
11 The princes of the realms decided that they needed someone to rally round and lead them in the event that war should come again .
12 The shunters shuddered as they went about their work .
13 The investigations revealed that there were , in fact , no clear trends .
14 The artists lived as one extended bickering family and writers and painters who would never have seen each other before the war were thrown together .
15 She is also rumoured to have turned her attention to acting , and is reportedly starring as Joan of Arc in a new film about the dangers involved when you get tied to a wooden stake with lots of sticks around it which is then deliberately set on fire by your political opponents .
16 The behaviourists insist that we can observe two things : first , what an animal does , and second , its previous environmental history .
17 Despite these unpromising signs , there were reasons for the Reaganites to hope that they might be able to succeed in the House .
18 The deputies announced that they were resigning because the government " has not been able to keep its promises " with regard to the Kurdish population .
19 Afterwards the deputies declared that they would refuse to recognize Ivashko 's election , denouncing it as a " farce " .
20 A surreptitious study of the timetables revealed that there was a bus at 2 p.m. which got to Darrowby at five o'clock , and another leaving Darrowby at six which arrived in Scarborough at nine .
21 ( ii ) Liability for negligence.Decisions of the courts show that there has generally been a reluctance to interpret a clause as excluding liability for negligence , unless clear words are used .
22 In Madzimbamuto v. Lardner Burke ( P.C. , 1969 ) Lord Reid said that even if Parliament acted improperly or unwisely , it was not open to the courts to say that it had acted illegally and that the resultant legislation was invalid .
23 These could only amount to obiter because , of course , the courts found that there was no tax charge .
24 What will the Germans think when they arrive in Glasgow with players still fresh from a ten-week break in the Bundesliga and a legislative system which means that if any of their players has called off from this game they must not play for their club sides next weekend ? ’
25 The release of the Germans meant that there were no more Europeans or north Americans remaining as hostages , although a number of Lebanese and other Middle Eastern nationals , and one woman of joint Canadian and Lebanese nationality , were still held hostage .
26 Italy campaign was winding down ; the Bulgarians were seeking peace by the late summer ; a peasant revolt in Hungary caused the Austrian-Hungary Monarchy to waiver and the full deployment of the fresh U.S.A. troops had the effect of causing the Germans to realise that they could not win the war .
27 As far as the make-up of the commission is concerned , the Russians want it to be composed of professionals and specialists , while the Germans believe that it should above all have a strong political element ’ .
28 The Germans say that they can not absorb that number , and country after country is saying the same .
29 They realized they would be severely punished when the Germans learned that they had failed to do their duty .
30 She thought of the Germans landing and her grandmother running away with her things on a cart like a refugee in a newspaper picture .
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