Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 And as to the over-imaginative way in which papers have so often treated her , she added simply : ‘ Because I 'm only young , and have lived such a short and normal life , they run out of things to say about me . ’
2 I also attended a number of the introductory workshops to which potential recruits are invited .
3 The detailed changes to the boundary layer structure during this development are complicated , although they occupy only a small fraction of the total distance over which transition occurs .
4 Secondly , because a tax allowance reduces the total income on which a person pays tax , it has a greater value to a high-income person on a high marginal rate of tax than to a low-income one who may , if he or she pays no tax , not gain at all .
5 The EC is financed by tariffs and levies , the total yield of which can not currently exceed 1.2% of the EC 's GNP .
6 Initially , you only need five hundred records , the total cost of which can be less than £500 .
7 The most fundamental need was to increase the area of water by the provision and enlargement of wet-docks and basins , the total acreage of which doubled over the last quarter of the eighteenth century as a prelude to a much greater expansion between 1800 and 1830 .
8 If we study the annual function of social capital — hence of the total capital of which the individual capital forms only fractional parts , whose movement is their individual movement and simultaneously integrating link in the movement of the total capital — and its results , i.e. , if we study the commodity-product furnished by society during the year , then it must become apparent how the process of reproduction of the social capital takes place , what characteristics distinguish this process of reproduction from the process of reproduction of an individual capital , and what characteristics are common to both .
9 This idea links closely both to Donaldson 's notion of embedded and disembedded thought and to Vygotsky 's demand that we look at the total context in which information is exchanged and understood .
10 It lurks in the pages of Lindsay 's Essentials of Democracy , to which reference has already been made , and it was raised from a slightly different angle a few years later by Harold Laski , when he asked " whether political democracy has not , so to say , arrived too late upon the scene to control the total process by which it is confronted . "
11 Cutting a whole sequence of further corners I shall now take it for granted that the total process by which we habitually segment and classify the things in the external world and recognize them as belonging to species entities originates in an introspective self-awareness that " I " can be distinguished from " my body " .
12 She in fact demonstrated what I have elsewhere argued ( Watson 1987 : 14 – 16 ) is at the basis of all education worthy of the name — a quality of five-fold respect , namely for oneself — a proper self-affirmation ; for all other people as persons like oneself ; for the total environment in which we find ourselves , both natural and cultural ; for beauty , delighting in experiencing a sense of awe and wonder ; and finally respect for truth which , however difficult to attain , needs to be like a beacon beckoning us forward .
13 He sees it as : a matter of individuals attempting , incompletely , to make sense of the total environment in which they find themselves and to respond rightly to it .
14 And the sample should exhibit these characteristics and variations in much the same proportions as in the total population from which the sample has been drawn .
15 This sample must be " representative " ie exhibit characteristics and variations in attitude , behaviour , purchasing capability ( etc ) ( i ) relevant to the line of market research enquiry ; ( ii ) in much the same proportions as the total population from which the sample is drawn .
16 This will require the forecasting of both the size of the total market into which the enterprise trades , and its likely share of that market .
17 The ratio of the proportions of lavas and pyroclastic rocks in any area is of some intrinsic interest , but the total rate at which new pyroclastic rocks and lavas are erupted at destructive plate margins is of more fundamental significance .
18 He needed to know both the size of the total community for which he was responsible and the strength of the army he would soon have to deploy ( see also Num. 2:32–34 ; 26:1–4 , 63–65 ) .
19 It can be seen , therefore , that there has been a nucleated village at Wharram Percy for only 400 years or so out of at least 2000 years , and that , in effect , the village as a form of settlement was an aberration , the single farm being the normal settlement from which the land was worked .
20 We seek to make such discussions as different as possible from the normal way in which we work .
21 We shall pay for the borrowing by borrowing — that is the normal way in which one pays for it .
22 Instead of taking up the normal position from which to look at Los Angeles — which would be that of a driver — Adams adopts the role of a botanist , or perhaps a botanical historian looking for traces of the Eden that Southern California is well attested to have been 80 years ago : " live oaks on the hills , orchards across the valleys , and ornamental cypress , palms , and eucalyptus lining the roads " .
23 She is past the normal age at which women retire and she is entitled to a railcard .
24 Inheritance was the normal form in which individual rights over land ( or other resources , such as water ) were obtained : sale of land was unknown in both Polynesia and Micronesia , and in most parts of Melanesia too .
25 Most applications are for two single fields , the normal requirements for which are often different , in which case the conditions are averaged .
26 Second , Iago 's terrible silence once his deceptions have been exposed : ‘ Demand me nothing , what you know , you know , /From this time forth I never will speak word ’ ( V.ii.304f. ) : this refusal of language is the logical outcome of the destructive egoism with which Iago has put himself outside , and in his own eyes above , society .
27 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
28 It is perhaps audacious , given the undeniable uncertainty in which we find ourselves in thinking of consciousness , but it may be possible to regard this mutual dependency as a matter of nomic correlation of one of the kinds specified earlier ( 1.5 ) , although nomic connection of a uniquely primitive character .
29 This ‘ piece of social arithmetic ’ , as he modestly called it , was published in 1889 and was addressed to the problem of understanding the exaggerated lengths to which many tribesmen were reported to go in avoiding their in-laws .
30 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
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