Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun prp] be an " in BNC.

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1 The central Atlantic is an ideal location in which to study the relationships between the lithosphere and isotopic compositions in basalts because the range in lithospheric age is large , there are no recent subduction zones nearby and the area is well away from the effects of the Dupal anomaly in the Southern Hemisphere .
2 a majority of the people we interviewed ( the dissenters were clustered in one of the three health authorities ) felt that the developmental CMHT was an imaginative and beneficial way forward in the Nottinghamshire context of the mid-eighties ;
3 R. W. Francis , butcher of Church St. , Bishop 's Castle , used to buy whinberries in bulk from local pickers , and Plowden Station at the foot of the Long Mynd was an ideal pick up point for these pickers .
4 The confirmation of the definitive nature of the borders of the united Germany is an essential element in the peaceful order of Europe .
5 The dramatic tour-de-force of the young Fleming is an ingenious blending of Italian influences from Giulio Romano and Tintoretto to the torso of the ‘ Laocoon ’ , which was the model for Samson , though the dramatic and extreme composition is entirely Rubens 's own , and unlike anything he attempts again .
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