Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 N. K. Sanders 's summary of the plot of the epic sets the scene : When the story begins he is in mature manhood , and superior to all other men in beauty and strength and the unsatisfied cravings of his half-divine nature , for which he can find no worthy match in love or in war ; while his daemonic energy is wearing his subjects out .
2 Gould was well aware of the descriptive shortcomings of his synopsis — Mere was simply not enough information available on Australian birds — but , cautious as ever , he needed to prove the strength of the market before committing himself to the ‘ grander work in prospect ’ .
3 Then I ascended the narrow stairs to his doorway .
4 Woolley eased the broad straps around his shoulders and opened the bellows with a wheeze .
5 It was , however , to be some years before the broad outlines of his findings were accepted .
6 In Meditatio the Christian monk committed the divine words of his Lectio to memory as he pondered their meaning and , as he did so , he recited them aloud .
7 The present incumbent of my dream house is Mr F. D. H. Roe , Fishery Manager , who maintains the friendly traditions of his predecessor , offering useful advice to visitors regarding fishing techniques .
8 Was n't it Jesus who said to the respectable citizens of His time , ‘ The harlots go into the Kingdom of Heaven before you ? ’
9 The ticket clerk , who is a villainous-looking Copt , is apparently adding up the monetary results of his last night 's murders , and dislikes being interrupted .
10 All at once , though she was fighting it , she was overwhelmingly conscious of how dark and wild-looking and exciting he was , with his black hair spilling in curls over his ears and forehead , the short-sleeved T-shirt exposing the mahogany of his arms and the slim white trousers moulding the muscular lines of his legs .
11 Khaki chinos and a matching short-sleeved shirt skimmed the muscular angles of his body to perfection .
12 She watched , mesmerised , as he undressed himself , drinking in the strong lines of his body , aware that her absorption was delighting him .
13 Intent blazed from his eyes , tautened the strong lines of his face .
14 His jacket fell open , revealing the strong contours of his chest under the thin white cotton of his shirt , and Fran found her eyes drawn to the faint shadow of body hair she could see beneath the thin fabric .
15 But she could n't resist studying fitzAlan as he secured his pack , her eyes moving over his fair head , the strong planes of his face , the hard line of his mouth .
16 Increasingly man is being urged to launch himself into the barely-explored regions of his innermost self in ‘ crafts ’ which are often unstable .
17 The most consistent reports were of a disturbance at a football match on March 25 in Kavaje ( close to Tirana , the capital ) where members of the crowd chanted slogans expressing support for President Ramiz Alia but attacking the repressive policies of his predecessor Enver Hoxha and the " Hoxha dynasty " .
18 His regime had enjoyed almost universal support in the poor , largely agrarian north , his home area , but was widely unpopular in the more heavily populated south where the repressive methods of his 18-year rule had been most keenly felt .
19 Police investigating the assassination of Sri Lanka 's president , Ranasinghe Premadasa , on May 1st , are blaming the Tamil Tigers for his death .
20 For the set of circumstances in which the patient finds himself is a very great contributing factor to the possible inroads into his right to self-determination .
21 He is as intent as his father on saving his own skin , and just as inattentive to the possible consequences for his wife and for the purposes of God .
22 The fears expressed early in Gow 's career regarding the possible effects of his teaching did not prove entirely vain ; his dryness and severity antagonized a number of his pupils , and the austerity of the regime at Trinity encouraged alarming departures from that quality by lesser scholars in certain other places .
23 Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder .
24 The information is , indeed , available but it would take a very canny investor to calculate all the possible effects on his return .
25 It is interesting to speculate on the possible reasons for his total obscurity during the intervening years of the Restoration .
26 And when at rest , does man 's best friend lie in contemplation of his next act , or of the possible menus for his next meal ?
27 Here the examiner will probably have divided up the possible marks in his mind among the component parts , and an answer to one part , be it ever so brilliant , can earn only the appropriate total for that part .
28 The teacher now needs all the possible aids at his disposal .
29 Peter Gabriel 's commitment to world music is well known : here the political elements in his work , usually understated , were pushed well forward so that you wound up as moved by his concern as by his skill .
30 Political success was due to him because of an exceptional intelligence and independence of mind which resolutely refuses to be subservient to the political mandarins of his party .
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