Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Witnesses were uncertain if the bus was in the middle or the inside lane but it was doing about 63 miles an hour when a Nissan car , driven by 74 year old Malcolm Austin , crashed into the front .
2 It does not encourage control other than through the total cost and it limits the opportunities for a rational approach to budgeting .
3 In Lewis , machair is a small percentage of the total area and it occurs in a variety of forms ; small bayhead units , larger east coast elements north of Stornoway , complex beaches and strands in the southwest at Uig and semi-continuous expanses between Barvas and Ness on the northwest coast .
4 But I , I do n't think it was the total picture but it was one of the reasons I think that persuaded President Clinton to invite Gerry Adams , or to lift the visa for forty eight hours .
5 It may not be the total solution but it 's a step in the right direction .
6 The Bank is also influential in the gilt-edged market as it administers the issue of new bonds when the government wishes to borrow money .
7 Just Like A Man , As Soon As The Tide Comes and Surface Of The Moon all received favourable receptions from the polite audience but it was left to Spit In The Rain , Stone Cold Sober and the band 's ode to suburbia Nothing Ever Happens , to set Middlesbrough Town Hall alight .
8 We have so far been making the simplifying assumption that it is clear , in all cases , what the original text consists of .
9 He eased it on to the narrow road and it coughed and spluttered along .
10 As a result most of our large towns had their select residences on the western side , in positions where they received the benefit of the prevailing wind before it passed over the town or city ; the poorer population residing on the eastern side .
11 In November 1 172 he had met his father-in-law on the Norman border and it was believed that Louis VII had urged him to demand what was rightfully his .
12 There is not , of course , any serious evidence that kin support for the elderly is declining , despite the persistent myth that it is .
13 The Kolowrat family gave money for the church as one of their family belonged to the Jesuit Order and it was here they chose to be buried .
14 The environmental impact assessment has earned the ire of the European Commissioner because it divorces the station from the link .
15 Procedures for conciliation and mediation between the two sides of industry should be encouraged , and contractual relations established at the European level if it is deemed desirable .
16 It was designed merely to fit within the minimal requirements of the European Convention and it hardly revolutionises the data privacy scene .
17 The question of the Commission 's right to introduce legislation on the question of national monopolies had aroused deep resentment in some states , and France had complained to the European Court that it had broken EC law by imposing in 1988 an unconditional requirement that all governments should take action to remove these monopolies .
18 The Commission can take a member state to the European Court if it fails to comply with such an interim order .
19 Erm the Labour Party is absolutely furious that unemployment goes down in this country and they keep trying to say to the public that it 's all hooey and , and , and , and the figures are distorted etc. , etc. , The fact is unemployment is going down , we are overcoming the recession , er faster than any other member of the er European Community or the European union as it 's now concerned and , and these are the facts but having said all that , we on this side er certainly support a continuing strategy whether we 'll er have to continue spending money at this level , er I do n't know , hopefully er the , the recession will be overcome and the spending can be reduced , but the strategy we believe .
20 European Community telecommunications ministers yesterday agreed the legislation intended to ensure that voice telephone services are provided in an open and efficient way across the Community , Reuter reports from Brussels : the legislation , which must be reviewed by the European Parliament before it becomes final , would improve access of users to public telephone networks and impose rules or objectives in areas such as prices , contracts and billing ; it would establish the principle that prices are based on cost , rather than cross-subsidy — in many countries , long distance calls subsidise local calls ; France won agreement on changes that would enable tariffs to be adjusted to ensure ‘ cohesion ’ within a state — in order to cover things like service to remote areas ; the ministers are also due this week to debate the controversial plans to liberalise the telecommunications market by 1998 .
21 Spinelli is the leading federalist in the European Parliament and it is crucial to understand both the political ideas and the political strategy which have combined to produce his recent initiative .
22 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
23 The other type of assessment may comply with schedule 2 to the original environmental impact assessment directive from the European Community and it does not have to be referred to the appropriate regulatory agency .
24 The reason we want regionalisation is that we are the only country within the European Community as it now stands , bar Luxembourg and Ireland , not to have regional Government , regional co-ordination of our economic policies and a proper role for the regions to link across Europe .
25 ‘ We have seen five consecutive months of serious decline in the European market and it has to be a matter of concern to all motor manufacturers . ’
26 A pensions directive is currently being prepared by the European Commission and it will require extremely careful consideration if it is to achieve the desired effect of not restricting labour mobility with the European Community .
27 Tim Roberts , prosecuting , said Floyd had been arrested at the Darlington bus station ten minutes after the attempted robbery and it was obvious to the police he had been drinking .
28 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
29 But the visitors were unable to take advantage of the strong tailwind and it was Alton who scored a vital goal to lead 1–0 at half-time .
30 She looked at the strong hand as it shifted gears and continued resting on the lever .
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