Example sentences of "the [noun sg] give they [art] " in BNC.

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1 NICRA also had a reasonable complaint that the lateness of the ban gave them no time to negotiate amy alternative date or route .
2 The budget gives them a get-out option but the CPL and Marjorie Roberts are grinning like Cheshire cats to have extracted such a promise .
3 They claimed that drinking the tea gave them an intense , trip-like experience .
4 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
5 City had not won a League game at Portman Road for 30 years , and had not scored in their last seven visits , but the jinx looked to have come to an end when Gary Flitcroft 's first senior goal for the club gave them a 37th minute lead .
6 ‘ They need booze because the stink from the engine gives them the runs .
7 The bachelor gave them an angry look .
8 Fine songs such as ‘ Mean To Me ’ or ‘ I Ca n't Get Started ’ appear to be close to perfect here but such trifles as ‘ With Thee I Swing ’ and ‘ You 're Too Lovely To Last ’ are just as charming because the singer gives them the same sensitive treatment .
9 Having said that , we still made sure that our reps called on the group to give them the information .
10 Life down the pit gave them a perspective . ’
11 The police spent two days trying to persuade the butcher to give them the name or names of his supplier .
12 And I think another reason why we do so well educationally is that the baby gives them a sense of direction and purpose and they may not want to get 16+ exams but they want to for their baby .
13 The Green Bay Packers kept alive their play-off bid when Brett Favre 's six-yard pass to Sterling Sharpe late in the game gave them a 16-14 win at the Houston Oilers .
14 There was time when they had to bribe er , give some sort of er incentive to the foreman to give them a good time , then it was the shop stewards who would give the workers to the management who will do the o overtime .
15 The signalman gave them the right of way simultaneously , the Bletchley train flew away and the Newport one remained at a stand with wheels spinning on the greasy rails , the Bletchley passengers waving goodbye to the fist-shaking Newport workmen .
16 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech .
17 De Soto and his researchers , which include economists , sociologists and anthropologists and lawyers , have worked out some of the stark costs of formality in Peru : if a group of humble families gather and ask the government to give them an empty plot of land to live on , they must fill out a maze of forms and go to scores of ministry , municipal and other government offices , a process that averages six years and 11 months .
18 They stopped on a straight stretch of upland road blatantly obvious and since there was a can of oil in the boot Maxim opened the bonnet to give them a cover story of the oil warming light having come on .
19 A group of young teenage girls once admitted to me that although they frequently complained because their parents insisted that they should be home by a certain time , they recognized that the deadline gave them a useful excuse for not getting out of their depth .
20 The increasing exclusion of the laity from an active role within the Church gave them a feeling of alienation and doubtless accounted for the rise in popularity of sects in which lay persons could play a more positive and meaningful part .
21 GHI verdict : Our testers , heavy with cold , found that the vaporiser gave them a good night 's sleep ; even their husbands/partners slept better .
22 The doctor gave them no time to think , and went on fiercely ,
23 ‘ I used to dream that one day they would call out for a 10-year-old from the audience to give them a hand .
24 The Major and the minister and the constable repeated it after him in low voices , the crowd gave them a round of applause , the reel was over .
25 Val and I had met a party of school children with the master giving them a botany lesson as we walked , so we tagged on and saw a lot we would n't otherwise have noticed .
26 And the earth gives them the O.K.
27 Although the merger gave them the chance to start Andy claims they could ‘ never ’ have done it without it — the recession has taken clients and exposure has been ‘ painful ’ on occasions .
28 Had he been in Whitechapel , Charlie would have been happy to run up and down the market from five in the morning to seven at night and still box a few rounds at the club , drink a couple of pints of beer and carry out the same routine the next day without a second thought , but when at nine o'clock the sergeant-major gave them a ten-minute break for cocoa he collapsed on to the verge exhausted .
29 Nor could the citizens of Northern Ireland claim that the agreement gives them a legal right ( although possibly a moral or political right ) to a referendum before the British Parliament passed pertinent legislation .
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