Example sentences of "the [noun sg] know [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Muller will watch from the stand knowing he is destined to face the England B team at Bristol on Saturday in preparation for a confrontation of which he could once only dream of : ‘ Facing Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott at Twickenham . ’
2 By choosing home grown potatoes the housewife knows she is buying only the best for her family .
3 And it was as if the cow knew she was beaten .
4 If the gang knew you were coming why did they allow the pay-off to continue ?
5 The documents were prepared by the Law Society 's Race Relations Committee to ensure that all candidates for the judiciary know what is expected of them .
6 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
7 Some people might imagine that the three positions of theist , agnostic and atheist could be defined as follows : the theist knows there is a God ; the agnostic does n't know whether there 's a God or not ; the atheist knows there is not a God .
8 Does everyone in the faculty know what is happening about a ) syllabus ; b ) money ; c ) timetable ?
9 But , in a big , big way the fireman knew it was all right .
10 The boss knew I was worked to death , and not wanting to lose me said , ‘ Mick , you take a few days rest .
11 The boss knows I 'm going home , but I do n't think he knows I 'm homesick . ’
12 The council knew we were overcrowded even before Shelley came .
13 He 's missing but I want to find him without the law knowing I 'm interested . ’
14 Be patient and remain strong in the knowledge that the universe knows what 's best for you .
15 IF the property is on mortgage make sure the lender knows you are the tenant .
16 If the boy knows we 're alive to his threat , he 'll just keep his schemes out of sight until it 's too late for us to do anything about him . ’
17 Somehow the child knew it was gunfire .
18 It 's implicit from their staging that the band knows they 're nothing to look at , and they were smart enough to create a slide show that transfixes the audience .
19 Calder training manager , Bill Vaudrey , said : ‘ The team knew they were taking part in an exercise called ‘ Operation Picnic at Hanging rock ’ .
20 The Developmental model that we discussed earlier suggested that the relationship between the leader and others will develop through various stages and it is up to the leader to know what is appropriate at any given time and with any given individual .
21 The Collector knew it was time he hurried downstairs … he had expected that something like this would happen , but not so quickly .
22 Erm now in my wisdom I I thought that obviously considering we 're now classed as incident stewards the o the thing to do was to put the certificates up in a prominent place so that everybody who visited the site knew who were the incident stewards were .
23 ‘ You think I do n't have the right to know what 's being said behind my back ? ’
24 The Women 's Section of , the African National Congress in Lusaka , supporting joint action , for the release of political prisoners and detainees , and against forced removals , issued a statement on International Women 's Day , calling upon women of the world to insist on the right to know what is going on in South Africa ; to intensify the campaign for sanctions ; to fight for prisoner of war status for captured combatants ; to support the Save the Patriots campaign and to remember Daisy Modise , the only woman patriot of the 62 prisoners on death row .
25 Parents on the streets of the town know there is something badly wrong , that the issue is control of their children , and it is often to the school that they look .
26 At least a good-quality er(m) lets the listener know you are still alive .
27 Her gold hair lay round her like a mantle , but where its strands crossed her face they stirred a little with her breathing , so that the tailor knew she was alive .
28 I had drunk too much and woke in the night knowing I was damned .
29 The Gruncher knows you 're up here .
30 When he recovered , he 'd let the rest know what was going on .
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