Example sentences of "the [noun sg] they [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , if Athletico had hopes of a brief stay away from the Premier they were to be disappointed .
2 They 've come to sell gold and it 's the money they 're after .
3 If granted , taxation is carried out on the ‘ indemnity basis ’ but it is presumed that the costs ( a ) have been reasonably incurred , if they were incurred with the express or implied approval of the client ; ( b ) have been reasonable in amount , if their amount was expressly or impliedly approved by the client ; ( c ) have been unreasonably incurred , if in the circumstances of the case they are of an unusual nature , unless the solicitor satisfies the taxing officer that prior to their being incurred the client was informed that they might not be allowed on taxation of costs .
4 In short , they wanted to " set all things back upon the foot they were at his coming to the crown " .
5 The restrictors fitted to the Stage One V8 are easily removed by removing the carbs and pulling the restrictor from the manifold They are in fact aluminium discs with three holes about ⅜″. diameter in each one and are held in by an expanding steel clip Select a suitable diameter tap and tap a thread with a smear of grease on the top to collect swarf , fit a long bolt and lever out with a pry bar Extremely obstinate ones may be split into three large bits with a small chisel and pulled out Clean the debris out with a vacuum cleaner A piece of l/2″ hose taped onto the suction pipe will reach most places in the manifold .
6 Yeah , past experience to find out the level they 're at at the moment .
7 Cognito , the UK two-way paging service re-born after a management buyout last year , has got coverage and subscriber numbers back to around the level they were before the service 's first incarnation folded .
8 Turkey , incidentally , just for pig-iron and incorrigible spite , look like ten times the side they were at Lansdowne , just when we need them to be sullen , depressed , and cruising for a bruising .
9 It 's for the people who are n't happy with the weight they 're at , or if it 's unhealthy — if it 's endangering your health and you have to do something about it ; if you 've been told by your doctor to lose weight .
10 Certainly one thing is noticeable Leicester have n't er quite dropped back into the gear they were in in the first half Ron have they ?
11 Four teenagers suffered minor injuries after the car they were in crashed through a fence near Front Street , Blyth , Northumberland .
12 " In Several parts of the Country , they have already established the Herring Gauge Barril filled to the Brim as a proper measure by which Putatoes aught to be bought and sold , and that four fulls of the said Barril shou 'd constitute the Boll , but that in other quarters of the Countrey they are in use to Buy and Sell Putatoes by a Creel measure which is very uncertain .
13 Some respondents to FRED 1 were concerned about exceptional items and the prominence they were to be given .
14 It 's sunny , and the clouds have form and shape , and underneath or away from the sun they are in shadow , greys and even a touch of brown .
15 some handsome star and not the bloke they 're with .
16 As a measure of the characteristics of the sediment they are of limited value , but as a method of characterizing the central segment of a curve the Trask Sorting coefficient or its equivalent , the phi Quartile Deviation may have some value .
17 But at the moment they 're on fire Leicester are on fire at the moment .
18 The moment they 're in the bag , weighed and authenticated , you 'll have them , ’ said Stannard .
19 He could also make an error of judgement in his choice of sailors , at least one of whom turned on him the moment they were inside the door and threatened to beat him up if he did not hand over money .
20 These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other EC states in favour of levying VAT on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .
21 The room they were in stretched back and back — Into the hillside , thought Fenella — and far above them .
22 The coins themselves spanned the period 14th to 17th centuries and four of them were of quite high denomination for the period they were in circulation ; not the highest value coin available , but nevertheless high .
23 He says that another 5 minutes and many of the cattle would have perished , because the shed they were in exploded into flames .
24 Other ‘ domatia ’ are more substantial structures and are known from over 400 species ( half in America , fewest in Africa ) in over 30 genera of trees and lianes : in A cacia they are in stipular thorns but in the rest they are in the stems , where the stems are sometimes swollen as in some species of Clerodendrum ( Verbenaceae ) .
25 The person they 're after shooting .
26 What moves me very deeply about primitive peoples is that they still attach an enormous importance to a certain kind of communication which we have lost ; and that is that they allow the being of the person they are with to communicate with more than words .
27 Their communities were generally established in remote locations far from possible government interference , so on the whole they were to one side of the main process of ingesting Siberia into the Russian state .
28 Yes , an and one never likes , er , the minute they 're in the door , to say , when are you actually going ?
29 The Kasbah , and other centres such as Metro and Aguila Roja , are excellent for duty free goods such as cameras and audio equipment , which can often be half the price they are in the UK .
30 But when they fly home to Karachi at the end of the month they are in danger of being remembered as cricket 's chumps , not champs .
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