Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that [pers pn] feel " in BNC.

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1 Can you read it out , the bit that you feel that 's er think you 're , you 've got the most difficult one there .
2 Feeling like a pioneer I was also conscious of the responsibility that I felt that I had .
3 A librarian may build up sections of the stock that he feels are important even though there is no immediate response in terms of issues .
4 ‘ So , what is the blackness that I feel inside ?
5 As we have seen already when we have to cope with a large number of losses in a short time , it becomes much harder to deal with the grief that we feel .
6 Jacob 's action betokens great fear , and declares louder than any words the rift that he feels must lie between him and Esau .
7 Our society 's very complex in that that erm in that sense , the effect that you feel is break the law erm you know if you want certain services , we 're supposed to have a structure in our society which is which is catered for , which caters for all eventualities .
8 Then there was the women 's clothes shop at Number 133 with its dresses in the window that I felt I would never be able to afford .
9 At which point you can complete any other bits of the work that you feel you need to .
10 Kate sat quite still , trying hard not to let the panic that she felt overwhelm her so that she ran screaming out into the still hot afternoon .
11 The desire that he felt for Bowler , and which he admitted to David Tindle while this portrait was in progress , is made palpable in the finished work through the gentle , even pressure of the dusky light as it falls on the sitter 's head , hands and feet .
12 Teachers do not have enough time to do the job that they feel they ought to do and want to do .
13 And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen 's warning was unjustified .
14 And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen 's warning was unjustified .
15 I went reinforced too by all I had been doing for myself and with the knowledge that I felt better than I had felt for some time and that that growth towards well being appeared to be increasing with each day .
16 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
17 Was that the ar was that the area that you felt was of the most of er benefit to you ?
18 During the time I knew him , he never took acid as he was very much afraid of it , and counselled other people against it in the sense that he felt it might disturb them psychologically , and felt that 's what might happen to him
19 He was so moved by what he saw inside the orphange that he felt he had to do something to give the children a better start .
20 JH : It is notable that most of the music that you feel closest to responds ( perhaps not all that surprisingly ) particularly well to Schenkerian analysis .
21 The roughness that you feel while moving the fingers suddenly disappears .
22 He adds : ‘ I also felt that I wanted to give the love that I felt for her in the way she needs love to be given . ’
23 She could not escape the thought that she felt exactly as if she were a child being taken out for a treat by a kindly uncle .
24 This is what I call the strategy of non-decision , the decision that we will do nothing , that we wo n't harass the child , that we will give the child time to relax and move at his own pace , rather than determining the pace that we feel the child ought to be following .
25 It is a story with which all machine knitters are very familiar and although there are no magic wands there are many ways out of the hole that she feels she has dug herself into .
26 I think , Bill , Pauline 's expressing the frustration that we feel , that as David was saying earlier , as Christians we feel particularly that we are called to serve people like this in great trouble , and yet sometimes you think , you know , however many times I try erm there seems to be many people for whom erm all my effort gets nowhere , and I feel that things are getting worse in society and one feels more and more helpless and hopeless , and therefore there 's a kind of frustration erm that builds up here erm
27 It 's just the pressure that you feel on the road particularly when you have a large vehicle behind you — a big lorry and they ca n't overtake because there 's something coming in the opposite direction … it does make you quite nervous .
28 Erm the thing that I feel I could n't go to see her in is erm Hello Joyce .
29 You 've got ta to do it so it 's clear , concise and puts across the information that you feel is important to get across
30 After supper I was shown to a tiny bedroom overlooking and adjoining the graveyard ; so profound was the silence that I felt part of it .
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