Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Discounting is based on the recognition that money received one year hence is worth less than money received today because of the income that could have been earned by investing the capital now .
2 The dragon roared in defiance , but pulled out of the dive that would have removed Rincewind 's head , and flapped ponderously back to the tree .
3 Modifications to the waveguide that could influence biosurface immunoefficiency are listed .
4 The changes in child benefit advocated here illustrate the nature of the change that will occur .
5 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
6 They seldom seem aware of the support that might come from other levels , and emphasize instead the difference of their problems and environment .
7 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
8 There is , as anyone in the racket knows , a kind of trap between the printer and the writer that will box things up if possible , in spite of the best efforts on both sides .
9 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
10 The little heart has been put in a square frame , as any other shape would leave too much background space around the heart that would have to be filled .
11 These can be useful for the company as the money that would have gone into the pension fund can be used to boost profitability ( particularly useful during a takeover bid ) , or for the financing of projects .
12 Thanks to the money that used to come from Saudi Arabia , and now comes from Iran , it is able to finance schools , universities and clinics .
13 Because insufficient allowances were allocated , the union argues , the local education authorities used much of the money that should have been paid in incentive allowances to classroom teachers to pay the senior staff their incentive entitlements .
14 It 's WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank 's ninth world title fight in just 22 months — and there 's to be no let-up in his quest to earn the money that can give him retirement in the next year .
15 Many people within those marvellous specialist services in London believe that attracting patients from around the country , and the money that will come with them as the reforms develop , will strengthen those outstanding services .
16 Their common concern was the chaos that would unleash itself on the city if a radioactive cloud from Hinkley Point was carried by the prevailing wind .
17 To avoid the chaos that would arise if , for example , several users wanted to print at the same time , the resources of a network may be controlled by ‘ servers ’ .
18 Just imagine the chaos that would follow if four line ferrets were introduced together .
19 And this is why we still carry the burden of having to control the chaos that might break forth should we allow those troubled depths of tempestuous passion to break the surface calm of ‘ normal , desire .
20 In spite of two books calling for ‘ Educational Linguistics ’ ( Spolsky , 1978 : Stubbs , 1986 ) the case that will convince the profession at large has still to be made .
21 There is no ‘ generation gap ’ , and often none of the resistance that can exist about discussing their feelings with ‘ youngsters ’ .
22 ‘ But when the choice is between high rates now or persistent higher inflation later , with all the damage that would do , the choice is clear .
23 Clifford Smyth stresses the damage that would have been done to the electoral appeal of the DUP if it had been too closely associated with the Free Presbyterian Church and offers this as the main reason why the Presbytery of the Free Church refused to allow ministers other than Paisley and Beattie to stand as DUP candidates .
24 The difference lies in the object of the work , that is , they minimize the damage that may arise as a result of entry into the care system and to restore vulnerable families to ‘ good-enough ’ personal and social functioning .
25 The problem of the damage that may result from litigation is undoubtedly a real one , and argues against giving shareholders unrestricted standing to sue , which might otherwise be regarded as a plausible means of increasing the chances of enforcement .
26 What is more of a worry for them is the damage that may ensue from a significant and hostile minority which now feels entitled to speak its mind .
27 Rehabilitation is the first aim , minimizing and reversing the damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children ; loss of self-esteem , threats to identity and reduction in power over decision-making ( Richards , 1987 ) .
28 A series of appalling disasters in the public services , notably the Kings Cross underground fire and the rail crashes at Clapham and elsewhere underlined the damage that could result from the public sector being run down .
29 This is largely because human readers use an understanding of the text that can guide the reading process .
30 Its principal strengths lie in the ability to ( a ) make selective use of available visual cues ( for fluent readers much of the visual stimulus remains unattended [ Just & Carpenter , 1987 ] ) and ( b ) utilise an understanding of the text that can guide the reading process and compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
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