Example sentences of "the [noun sg] be [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But in fact , on the disc itself , the arrangement of the text is anything but neat and orderly .
2 The light 's none too good in here . ’
3 They will even lay their eggs on the gravel is nothing else is suitable .
4 The bacon 's none too fresh , ’ she said .
5 But the overall effect of the biography is anything but gloomy .
6 So I started off with the idea that there 's this little baby in the cradle , he 's completely in the dark and the dark is something really frightening .
7 Derek Jarman 's rather lame kitsch efforts ( roses , angels , Union Jacks , bare breasts , walls of fire etc ) prove beyond a doubt that not only can art fart , the result is anything but silent and very deadly .
8 ‘ But why copy the method , if this time the killer is someone else ? ’
9 Then she will ask if they have a label for their music and Richard Fm — the bald one who sings — will say ‘ St Michael ’ before his brother chips in with the episode 's one almost serious observation , saying , of their success : ‘ I think it 's because we play with our tongues in cheek .
10 Even here , however , the outlook is none too rosy , according to the committee .
11 He soon discovered the milkboy was none too welcome in the drawing room .
12 Night on Earth Another road movie from cult hero Jim Jarmusch — but this time the vehicle is nothing more romantic than a taxicab .
13 The adjudging of the beastblood is something else I do not fully understand , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ but it is a little to do with the eyes , and a little to do with the movements …
14 Sara said , ‘ The riding was something else .
15 I stood up and gazed along the barrel of the Bren gun and could n't help smiling to myself and thinking that Taff was at his funniest when he was annoyed about something , even though our circumstances at the moment were anything but funny .
16 The husband is one potentially appreciative figure in the housewife 's landscape but does he play this role effectively ?
17 Erm , the body is something else from us and we are the things erm not that are made up of our body but that merely use our body .
18 It could not by any stretch of the imagination be anything else .
19 Government handling of the crisis was anything but skilful .
20 The pit was nothing more elaborate than a series of planks chocked up to make an erratic knee-high circle .
21 The rest is somebody else 's business .
22 In French literature lectures , Sartre became more than an academic discovery , though I understand only now why the idea that " the person is nothing else but his freedom " and the revelations of Nausea had such enormous appeal for me .
23 Duroc thought the library was something very near to Seth 's autobiography .
24 This was a little unfortunate , the topic being one close to his lordship 's heart and one he was inclined to explicate at some length .
25 Alistair Balfour says : ‘ The trouble is nobody actually knows what would happen .
26 So you know , the sight 's something else , I do n't I do n't know , what I 'm wondering is what , you know , what , you know
27 I did n't fully understand everything I read , and although the apparent text of my behaviour was , ‘ Look at me — how learned and knowledgeable I am ’ , the sub-text was something more like , ‘ I 'm trying frantically hard to learn and to understand , despite my stupidity .
28 But the river — the river was something else !
29 That 's rich , that is , ’ chuckled Curtis , trying to lighten her mood , even although the subject was anything but funny .
30 The word is one traditionally used for definitions or other dogmatic statements of exceptional weight .
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