Example sentences of "the [noun sg] may [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 But they are concerned about the psychological effect the experience may have on the girls .
2 On the disappearance of the archedictyon , or of an individual vein , the macrotrichia may persist on the wing-membrane in their original positions ; their presence there is regarded by Tillyard as evidence of descent from more densely veined ancestors .
3 14.8.4 The allegation may rebound on the party making it
4 The defendant may rely on facts which emerge after publication — and in such cases , the length of time before trial may be a positive boon .
5 The defendant may defend on the return day even if he has failed to file a defence ( Ord 9 , r 9(2) ) .
6 4.2.3 [ bat are the financial implications for the dementia sufferer and the carer ? ( see also section on Personal Finance ) Any action plan arrived at should take into account not only the housing situation but also what effect the plan may have on the dementia sufferer .
7 Institutions often have their own expectations , and provided all are agreed within an institution the teacher may draw on them .
8 This legal bond can be severed only through a court of law , and even then the court may insist on one partner continuing to make provision for the other .
9 However , if the settlor may benefit on the occurrence of one or more of the following events he will still be deemed ( TA 1988 , s685(2) ) to have divested himself of the property : 1 .
10 Even if the information is specific , the insider may deal on the basis of it if the information is generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in the securities in question .
11 If a furnished tenancy exists the tribunal may adjudicate on the rent .
12 However , the Commission may focus on regional markets and even on local markets , where these are the relevant geographical markets .
13 The choice may depend on who I am , and even on when I live ; Edward Marsh 's version — " These wounds of the wheeling skies are healed by the moons in their flying " — was published in wartime , in December 1940 ( the year of the Battle of Britain ) .
14 Asterix inhabits a world of childlike innocence , peopled with characters such as Getafix , the venerable village Druid , Caco-fonix the bard and Vitalstatistix the brave chieftain , whose only fear is that the sky may fall on his head .
15 In an extreme case , the government may insist on the surrender to it ( or to the central bank ) of all foreign exchange .
16 in chat about the immediate environment , the speaker may rely on ( e.g. ) gaze direction to supply a referent : ( looking at the rain ) frightful is n't it .
17 The core of the vision may focus on product or service , market , process , organization or ideals ; its circumference involves the rhetoric and metaphor of persuasion .
18 In these circumstances , the employer may rely on the law protecting trade secrets and begin in-house production or , alternatively , license others to use or develop the relevant know-how generated by the invention .
19 Autofocus does have draw-backs though — when an animal is in foliage the camera may focus on the undergrowth and not the animal .
20 Lastly , the researcher has to consider the effects that publication of the book may have on the community portrayed in it , and particularly on any individuals who may feature .
21 Apart from the chance that the customer may default on his payments ( perhaps even go bankrupt ) , there is the risk that he may also sell , damage or even destroy the goods .
22 Any effects that the government of the country may have on business dealings should be explained and information on labour legislation be given .
23 With that impression exhausted , and demand continuing , the publisher may decide on another 2,000 copies , thus giving a ‘ third impression ’ .
24 The patient may stand on the hemiplegic leg , while the therapist moves his other foot into different positions , or asks him to move the foot .
25 The classification may depend on where it is and what facilities exist to deal with it .
26 A third example , revealing yet another kind of subordination , takes us to the University of Paris where two fourteenth-century scholars , Jean Buridan and Nicole Oresme , considered the possibility that the earth may rotate on its axis .
27 Similarly , someone who is primarily in a bulimic phase of the disease may binge on lettuce or on other foodstuffs that have particularly low calorie value and weight-producing potential or may even control body weight by dramatically reducing fluid intake .
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