Example sentences of "the [noun sg] with [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It should be deep enough for the fish to bury the shell with only the opening showing .
2 As the volunteer was moved by what he was reading , he delivered the text with exactly the right pacing and intonations , and the audience responded with ‘ shocked , attentive silence ’ ( p. 28 ) .
3 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
4 Neil invited me into his office — the only room in the building with even the vaguest resemblance to modern architectural demands — and gave me some cheap wine and a Benson & Hedges .
5 The Prince , momentarily forgetting his orders for Sharpe to change into Dutch uniform , dominated the luncheon conversation as he eagerly expressed his wish that the French would attack before the Duke returned from his meeting with the Prussians , for then the Prince could defeat the enemy with only the help of his faithful Dutch troops .
6 As it happens , the Nuer have a social organization which is very similar to that of the Lugbara : so alike are they , indeed , that Middleton describes the Lugbara with virtually the same terminology as his teacher , Evans-Pritchard , uses in describing Nuer society .
7 The thought of drifting along in the sunbeams , under the willow of the brook with only the frogs and water-rats to keep her company , filled her with glee .
8 Then skipper Andy Townsend blasted the ball over the bar with only the keeper to beat .
9 He stood up and left the room with only the barest nod at both of them .
10 The Ebrahimi type of doctrine is most likely to occur when a partnership is converted into a company but the same people are involved as before and carry on the business with much the same attitude .
11 After years of getting by under its previous labels of the Liberals and the Alliance with just the voluntary help of a few advertising professionals ( including Mead 's partner David Abbott ) , the party has decided that such an approach is too risky .
12 Plant the waterlily with just the ‘ nose ’ , or growing point , protruding above the soil and then cover the surface of the basket with a generous layer of pea gravel to prevent the fish from stirring up the mud .
13 We drifted down past Magdalen Fellows ' Garden , borne along on the current with just the odd stroke to correct our course .
14 The referees are very strict at the line-out with only the jumpers allowed to get across .
15 Ask a follower of the warbird movement to ‘ decline ’ the sub-types of the Fw 190 and that will be done ; marks of Spitfire will be no problem ; who built B–17s and the distinguishing items of a ‘ G ’ — easy ; principal Italian fighter aircraft will also come to the tip of the tongue with only the occasional stutter .
16 The output from the feedforward control is intended to provide the motor with just the extra push which will bring it to the required setting .
17 They had reached the further side of the field during this animated discussion and Meredith hopped nimbly over the gate with twice the speed and dexterity with which she had negotiated the stile .
18 And lanky Texan Kevin Schwantz — the man with perhaps the most natural ability of all the GP racers — spearheads the Lucky Strike Suzuki team with the single aim of improving his runner-up position of 1990 .
19 Hanging on the door is a dressing gown and in the wardrobe a change of clothes given to her when she arrived in the refuge with only the clothes she stood up in and a shopping bag .
20 Later , much later , they breakfasted out on the balcony with only the Portuguese gardeners near by to disturb their peace .
21 Freehand designing or editing of an existing design is done by moving a cursor around the grid with either the arrow keys or a mouse .
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