Example sentences of "the [noun sg] was about the " in BNC.

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1 There was one based on Proust and one based on Zola , and the winner was about the ghosts of a haunted house being disturbed by an estate agent and a gang of would-be mortgage slaves .
2 The case was about the liberty of the press to comment freely at any price .
3 A lot of the play was about the King 's son and his friend , Sir John Falstaff .
4 But what was clear is that editors , believing that the play was about the intrinsically moral Brutus , could not accept a feigning Brutus and so explained away , or repressed , the scene where that role playing is most formally represented .
5 The hijacker was about the same age as him , but not so big .
6 The fact that such a proposition could be presented a industrial democracy exposes the reality : that the exercise was about the extension of the powers of unreformed trade unionism .
7 I think the chicken was about the same I would n't run a business like it I tell you that much .
8 The cabbage was about the same er , about fifty I think .
9 An illegitimate birth in the degrading surroundings of the workhouse was about the deepest stigma that anyone could bear at the start of life .
10 Yet discussion during the evening was about the company and little else and samples of fabric were passed round the table at most meal times .
11 The price was about the only thing about the house that was right , but we 'd both fallen in love with it right away .
12 The argument was about the Law of Entropy and the arrow of time .
13 Much of the debate was about the allocation of relatively small sums of money to specific projects .
14 The Enlightenment was about the dissolution of ‘ pre-modern ’ custom and tradition , and its replacement by a more formal and rational management of economic and political life .
15 Thus the distance from the bank to the nearest point of the island was about the same all the way around It resembled a moat , about thirty yards wide .
16 The project was about the Second World War .
17 Though the document was about the laity , it had failed to take account of the views of the laity — at least until the previous spring , by which time it was too late for them to have much influence upon its formulation .
18 The walkway was about the width of a large luggage trolley .
19 His companion remembered how enthusiastic the playwright was about the green trees , the birds singing , the company of good friends and the beautiful blue sky .
20 In B Division , the discipline was about the worst in the force — the thing was that it was not a bad pay-packet plus there was the pension at the end — a big item .
21 The view was about the same both ways .
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