Example sentences of "the [noun sg] was [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The shield was of blue enamel .
2 A breath on the flames , and there would be fire from end to end of the march ; and the Prince was in urgent but still friendly correspondence with King Henry in the effort to settle the dissensions peacefully and without affront to either Welsh or English honour .
3 An artillery shell struck here at breakfast time , but by now the base was on red alert , its soldiers under cover .
4 The soil formation of the ridge was of crucial importance .
5 Sartre in particular was especially reprehensible as a consequence of his advocacy of ‘ la littérature engagée ’ — such a delineation of a social and political function for the writer was at direct variance with the formalist prerequisites of the nouveau roman .
6 It was originally a triple-purpose breed , particularly valued for work and meat , but the cows were not good yielders ( average milk yield overall about 3,000kg ) except in individual cases , though the milk was of high quality and there are still some good milking strains in the breed .
7 The money was in five-pound notes which I 'm afraid I paid straight into my bank .
8 The money was in large part raised through sponsorship by local firms and banks , as is the tradition in Italy , with additional funds coming from the Italian regional and national governments .
9 Mr Farrell said Lee , who expressed her sincere remorse , had intended repaying the money every penny had been recorded and the money was from personal friends and people who knew her , he added .
10 Computer technology was giving rise to a variety of innovative developments , and the field was in general pioneered by the CNAA and its institutions before the universities took up the challenge .
11 erm people who were in court , say , twenty/thirty/forty years ago perhaps did see scenes where the Clerk was over involved and appeared to be running things , but you do n't see that these days .
12 Gerry reached across , checked the gearchange was at neutral then turned the ignition key .
13 The election was without socialist candidates but still consisted of the Tsar enemies , mainly liberals and social revolutionaries .
14 Although not entirely convinced that the necklace was without real value , Alice did not protest as Félix fastened it around her neck .
15 Mr Adams said the decision was in stark contrast to its refusal to give £800 to the RUC 's cross-community ramble scheme .
16 Finally , there are ‘ grandfather 's rights ’ which satisfy the LA requirements : the so-called ‘ grandfather ’ produces a Certificate of Competence ( GV 203 ) issued by a LA before 31 December 1979 confirming the holder was in responsible employment in road transport under an operator 's licence before 1 January 1975 .
17 Of course , the statue was in modern dress .
18 Although he had been convicted on the king 's own record of his treason , a device used by Edward I against his Scottish enemies , many contemporaries thought that the judgement was of dubious legality .
19 The goblet was of unknown material , unusual colour and of unfamiliar shape : it was presented to the King .
20 The Secretary of State had first to rule that the building was of outstanding architectural interest , which Michael Heseltine had done .
21 That at least had a light showing and at first I thought the rest of the building was in total darkness , but as I crunched gravel and got closer I could see they used extra thick curtains , maybe left-overs from the Blackout .
22 The building was in great need of repair but the Company , unaware for centuries of its existence , felt unable to contribute .
23 The building was in good condition , but the city council wished to clear the site to make way for yet another comprehensive shopping development of the kind that has already blighted other parts of the city beyond recall .
24 Unlike the St Albans relic ( the remains of Beaufort 's nephew ) , the Duke of Exeter 's face had been covered with cerecloth ; the hair was in perfect condition , as was the flesh in general .
25 The flak encountered along the route was of varying intensity and accuracy , while over Berlin intense flak of the barrage type was thrown at the B–17s , causing two-thirds of the Division to receive some form of battle damage .
26 In the early years until the Rampart Road/Milford Street corner was improved the route was from Blue Boar Row , Winchester Street along London Road to St. Mark 's Church .
27 The field in front of the cottage was of indefinable colour , the grasses stained with the delicate tones of buttercups , primroses and cowslips .
28 A sufficient proportion of the strip was in fallow at any one time to ensure that yields were , in theory , maintained over a fifteen or twenty year period .
29 Growth was back at a remarkable six per cent in 1968 , inflation remained low and the budget was in healthy surplus by 1969 .
30 But the course was on common land and tended to become somewhat crowded .
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