Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 or the split in its leadership ?
2 In the early afternoon , Allied reserve divisions and tanks passed through their comrades ' lines and by about 15.10 the ridge in its entirety was securely held and all objectives taken .
3 The most contentious issue discussed was Latin America 's attitude to Cuba following the change in its relationship with the former Soviet Union .
4 With the modals , the effect of representing the support in its place in time ( past or non-past ) as receiving the incidence of the potential event is to evoke actualization as dependent on the conditions of possibility , probability , etc. , expressed by the modal .
5 And in response to the growing number of women presenting with problems associated with alcohol dependence , the Board in its report this year makes some moderate and practical proposals about the way in which alcohol might responsibly be marketed .
6 When Barcelona fell to General Yagüe 's troops on 26 January 1939 , it was clear that the Republic could not turn the tide in its favour .
7 Given the 98 to 100 per cent support from dairy farmers it is looking for , that would mean it still bought virtually all the milk in its area while processing and selling much of it through its commercial company Scottish Pride .
8 Without internal means of communication the group can not be united in its performance , and without the common objective the group lacks the rationality and purposive control that would unite the actions of the elite in its efforts to establish , maintain and strengthen its own power .
9 Whilst it is true that disadvantages arise from different aspects of the same dispute being adjudicated upon by different courts , it must be pointed out , on the one hand , that a plaintiff is always entitled to bring his action in its entirety before the courts for the domicile of the defendant and , on the other , that article 22 of the Convention allows the first court seised , in certain circumstances , to hear the case in its entirety provided that there is a connection between the actions brought before the different courts .
10 In contrast both to traditional views of form , and to some Formalist statements about the device , it calls attention to the organization of the text in its totality , the structure of the text being simply the totality of the relationships that obtain within it .
11 The dominant level generates an enhanced attention to the relationship between that level and all the others , and therefore foregrounds or actualizes the text in its totality .
12 Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent Computer Systems Inc says the rise in its profits for the year to January 2 1993 is a result of company restructuring , and a re-focus on high-end business .
13 Broomhead shook his head in resigned disbelief and set about installing the gramophone in its housing .
14 ‘ But why is my memory so selective ? ’ she demanded , and thrust the knitting in its bag , suddenly tired of it .
15 The BPS seems likely to establish a body similar to the Division in its Psychology of Women Section , and an autonomous organization for women in psychology may persist alongside this .
16 When the Conservation Department proposed the establishment of the sanctuary in its discussion document , the public response was overwhelmingly favourable .
17 A RARE movie — the mainly horrible How The West Was Won is another — that tries to include the whole arc of the West in its plot , expending its first hours on the virgin land as Kevin Costner communes with nature and Indians , but the finale has to admit the good days are gone , as demonstrated by the coming of the brutish cavalry intent on making the Sioux the first victims of the expansionist whites .
18 One main street , set roughly at right angles , ran north and south from it ; its northern arm , possibly Flavian in date , aimed at the southern end of the modern High Street where the south gate of the fortified centre was probably later established ; a slight shift towards the west in its alignment in the late second century may have coincided with the construction of the first defences .
19 He served notice that Labour would oppose the Budget in its entirety .
20 Market takes the Budget in its stride
21 Hardie cites the famous case of Perrier and the contamination in its bottling plant .
22 Keep the camcorder in its case when not in use .
23 Frightening the blood in its tunnel
24 The still joy of the mind in its state of non thought has in it something beyond the rational and it defies explanation .
25 Materialism is a ‘ false principle ’ which ‘ stay[s] and embarrass[es] the mind in its search after truth ’ ; it raises specious problems , it draws us ‘ into uncouth paradoxes , difficulties , and inconsistencies , which multiply and grow upon us as we advance in speculation ’ .
26 They ca n't put the extract in its context and this too can lead them to reject what they are shown .
27 The Republic also pointed the way to the future in its attempts to regulate English trade in a way that would help English shipping though its efforts were not immediately successful ; the monarchy took the same legislative approach , but was able to make its laws effective and on this basis set up a system of control of trade in the empire that survived until the middle of the nineteenth century .
28 And if you leave the sunroof or a window open just turn the key in its lock and , hey presto , a moment later they close .
29 However you tried to measure the particle , the uncertainty in its position , times the uncertainty in its speed , would always be greater than a certain minimum amount .
30 However you tried to measure the particle , the uncertainty in its position , times the uncertainty in its speed , would always be greater than a certain minimum amount .
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