Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The exertion and fresh air had done nothing to ease the pain Kelly felt in her head , the weakness in her muscles .
2 Robyn swallowed and felt the weakness in her legs .
3 Isabel prayed he could n't feel the trembling in her limbs .
4 Trying to control the trembling in her legs , which felt as though they were made of cotton wool , Laura silently followed Ross across the green lawns to their guest cottage , where Carole had laid out the cold supper .
5 The trembling in her legs had intensified .
6 After a reception at The Swan Hotel , Alton , the couple left for their honeymoon in Florida , the bride wearing a floral dress with gold jacket and flower from the veil in her hair .
7 She clamped down on it hard , wishing passionately she could tear away the veil in her mind , see behind it to find out who she was and why she was cast away on Penry Vaughan 's island .
8 As her brother Earl Spencer , told me : ‘ She strikes me as an immensely Christian figure and she has the strength which I think true Christians have and the direction in her life which others can envy ; that sureness of her purpose and the strength of her character and position to do an enormous amount of good .
9 The change in her life was clear for all to see .
10 He looked across at her , warily , because of the change in her tone .
11 He saw the change in her expression ; antagonism replaced by … by fear ?
12 He noticed the change in her behaviour but she was more intelligent than he was and so it never occurred to him she had had an affair .
13 The change in her way of living was so vast she could scarcely credit it ; she would stop , sometimes , with the polishing rag in her hand , under the watchful eye of the parakeet , and say aloud : ‘ But this can never be me , not really me !
14 He was surprised , she could see that , by the change in her manner , her voice , the sudden swing in her mood .
15 Being so preoccupied with her child helped Sarah to ignore the change in her husband .
16 People will be amazed in the next few months at the change in her image , but they should realise that first and foremost she is a caring , sharing woman .
17 Carrie was very pleased to see the change in her father now that he had settled into his new job , but she still fretted over her parents , and she had not forgotten her vow that one day she would have enough money to buy them a decent house to live in .
18 Benedict saw the change in her face and a frown came into his eyes .
19 She spoke again , unaware of the change in her mind : " .
20 The next day George had seen his mother forcing her to drink a cup of cold tea full of Epsom salts to help her get rid of the milk in her breasts .
21 At some point during the evening , Tallis-Holly went to the crouching wary form of the woman , and watched herself watching the Daurog , and saw the fear and the tiredness in her eyes .
22 The entreaty in her voice , the limpid , almost tearful look in her eyes …
23 With the heir to the throne in her hands , she wrote to Edward saying that she and her son would not return to England until Edward had dismissed the Despensers from court .
24 Before Nicola Hammond had gone for her walk with Gunter Schmidt , she had taken all the money in her wallet and lined her bra with it .
25 Putting the money in her bag she checked her face in the mirror and walked back to the bed .
26 Violet , watching the tall negress , a bold haughty bearing ; she appeared the star attraction out of all the women — and there must , all smoking , posing , rude as the renaissance , be at least a hundred whores — wondered ( such a rate , turnover ) at the money in her handbag .
27 Emmie walked round , having a good look at everything , and apportioning the money in her mind .
28 She put the money in her purse with a reverence shown only by people who rarely , if ever , had handled notes of over one pound denomination .
29 She would hide some of the money in her bra .
30 The money in her bank account was going to be put to good use , on this occasion .
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