Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in which [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The real difference between the candidates , however , was their view of the direction in which Lithuania should be turning internationally .
2 The direction in which Hamilton is steering GMTV should come as no surprise .
3 And at points in the Addresses that does seem to be the direction in which Schleiermacher is heading .
4 It is the direction in which things are heading .
5 As such , it 's a good indication of the direction in which Adidas wants to take its shoes without actually finding the promised land .
6 The book aims to chart the direction in which communication in the Philippines can ‘ break away from the lingering structures and controls of the past regime towards the democratic , just and humane future Filipinos yearn for . ’
7 The controversy revolves around the direction in which Russia was developing before August 1914 .
8 The direction in which management will be pushed need not be a more efficient one ( for example , more money might be allocated to controlling conspicuous waste than is justified economically ) , but the potency of the control is fairly obvious .
9 But however modest the proposed immediate reform might be , it was rightly seen that large issues of principle were raised by the direction in which society and the political system were moving .
10 The direction in which opinion was moving was toward the left of the political spectrum .
11 It is , however , possible to discern certain fairly clearly defined and consistent strands in British thinking and aspirations about the direction in which policy should go .
12 But it could only be done if there was this general agreement about the direction in which democracy in Britain should develop and about the role which Parliament should play .
13 This is precisely the direction in which Charlotte Bronte moved .
14 When a strong to moderate wind blows against our skin we can usually feel the wind 's direction , although we often rely more on the direction in which trees or smoke are being blown .
15 AD 675 , a shortage of gold forced a change to silver coins ( sceattas ) and their frequency in Kent points to both Kentish supremacy in exchange and , perhaps , the direction in which commerce was moving when the change was necessary .
16 The development of such trading centres is only relevant here in as far as they point to the direction in which economy was evolving in the sixth and seventh centuries .
17 Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases .
18 It will have been in the aftermath of this contact with the papacy that Eadwine , though still a pagan , allowed an episcopal see to be established at York for Paulinus , and in itself this shows the direction in which Eadwine was moving .
19 He parked in Loomlade and took the path that ran between Loomlade Foin and Big Allen , the direction in which Manciple had surely indicated the party was veering .
20 The arrows along the function in Figure 6.5 indicate the direction in which wage inflation and unemployment move , for arbitrarily given initial values for and , towards their centre of gravity , the pair .
21 Serrano 's new role as Franco 's personal representative to Hitler was , at once , an indication of the direction in which Franco wanted the regime to appear to be moving , of the importance he attached to relations with the Axis , and of the confidence he placed in Serrano .
22 It 's a measure of the esteem in which Altman is held that many of the close to 70 stars who appear were willing to commit themselves to a project which so ruthlessly satirizes their very existence .
23 I am confident that the work of the review body will reinforce teachers ' professionalism and raise still further the esteem in which society holds our teachers .
24 I hope that you , Mr. Speaker , will agree that there is a fundamental connection between teachers ' pay — and the mechanics of it — the esteem in which teachers are held and the methods that they use .
25 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
26 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
27 It was a mark of the esteem in which John Burridge was held at Selhurst Park , both as a goalkeeper and as a showman , that whenever he has subsequently returned here with his later clubs he has invariably been accorded a warm welcome , both from Palace fans and from his former playing colleagues .
28 After the passage quoted just above concerning the esteem in which Molla Fenari was held and his place in the state , and before passing on to the next event in his life , namely his going on the pilgrimage in 822 ( 8 Dhu " l-Hijja = 26 December 1419 ) , Ibn Hajar writes that Molla Fenari became widely known for his erudition and that he was both pious and abundant in culture and merit " except that he was censured for [ espousing ] the sect of Ibn al- " Arabi and for the fact that he taught the and affirmed it " : he goes on to say that Molla Fenari , on the advice of friends , abjured mention of the subject in Egypt .
29 A rhythmic motive from the Symphonie generates the next movement , an air still in the tonic in which word-stress and musical rhythm are ( deliberately ? ) out of kilter ( ex.12 ) .
30 Compared with the case in which A and B have not been pre-trained , the consequence of A-X and B-Y associations having been pre-established would be that a new response could be acquired very readily by stimulus A without any increase in the extent to which generalization occurs to stimulus B.
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