Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of women to " in BNC.

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1 The total amount of time taken up in such social exchanges or interactions in this sample is in fact relatively small : a division of housewives into three groups according to the proportion of work time thus occupied — less than twenty-five per cent , between twenty-five and fifty per cent , more than fifty per cent — revealed the majority of women to be in the first group ; there was no significant relationship with work satisfaction patterns .
2 The question and practice of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood in some provinces of the Anglican communion prevents reconciliation even where there is otherwise progress towards agreement in faith of the meaning of the eucharist and the ordained ministry . ’
3 The Catholic Church 's position , which is based on its experience of the constant tradition of faith since the time of the apostles , is that ‘ the Church , in fidelity to the example of the Lord , does not consider herself authorised to admit women to priestly ordination ’ ( Introduction , declaration on the question of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood , CDF 15 October 1976 ) .
4 The Sex Disqualification ( Removal ) Act 1919 , designed to facilitate the admission of women to the House of Commons but worded in such a way as to be apt to give them access also to the House of Lords was seized upon by Viscountess Rhondda as having this effect but the Committee of Privileges refused to endorse her claim and the House rejected it .
5 Forced to resign the secretaryship of the AEW when the Somerville council challenged her control of tuition arrangements , she became , with her husband , an influential opponent in 1895–6 of a bid to secure the admission of women to the Oxford BA .
6 He was also committed to and involved in the admission of women to the medical school , which obviously involved much tact and understanding in order to break down prejudices .
7 Moreover Mr Justice Jowitt had spoken of the temptation on the part of women to ‘ exaggerate or fabricate ’ when questions of sexual misconduct were involved .
8 ‘ Anthropologists ' study of human societies on this planet [ has ] revealed the condition of women to be a direct result of their peoples ' perception of their mysterious , fearsome , monthly flow of blood . ’
9 The news of the near fatal stabbing of WPC Harrison in Liverpool has focused attention again on the vulnerability of women to physical violence , particularly during their working lives .
10 WRN exists ‘ to facilitate the return of women to the labour market , to get suitable training and suitable employment conditions ’ , says Ruth Michaels , WRN president .
11 They also show that , for the United States , the dependency ratio actually peaked in 1960 and is now decreasing because of the return of women to the workforce .
12 The return of women to the homefront to live in varying degrees of poverty has been paralleled by an intensification of family-centred propaganda to remind us that women are the ‘ natural ’ homemakers , and that in difficult and unsettled times our prime responsibility is to make sure that our men and our children and our dependent relatives are properly cared for .
13 At all levels of education the ratio of women to men has been increasing steadily .
14 For example , between 1970 and 1982 the ratio of women to men achieving two or more A-levels rose steadily from 75:100 to 95:100 and the corresponding ratio for university entrants rose from 40:100 to 70:100 .
15 For example , among income support recipients in 1989 the ratio of women to men increased from being roughly equal among those aged 60–9 , to three to one in the 70–9 age group , to 4.6 to one for those aged 80 and over ( DSS , 1991 , p. 28 ) .
16 They trace and explain why it is , that the ratio of women to men diagnosed with a mental disorder is 2:1 .
17 In silk weaving the ratio of women to men weavers was probably significantly higher than in wool or cotton .
18 There are many contradictions therefore in the relationship of women to housing , and in the demands that we might want to make .
19 Arguments are put forward to show their importance to an understanding of the relationship of women to the home , and to suggest that they have had a significant influence on British architecture .
20 They had no reason to legitimate the access of women to power ; far from it .
21 Thus , analysing the attempt by political philosophers to justify the exclusion of women from public life on the grounds of their defective capacities ( either rational , moral or cognitive ) , she suggests that there is a hidden argument which takes the exclusion of women to be unquestionable and attempts to justify the status quo by seeking an explanation in the defective capacities that women must then be assumed to have .
22 Similarly in a 1947 survey of 2,807 women ( conducted as part of the Ministry of Labour 's campaign to stimulate the recruitment of women to industry ) , older married women in particular often gave health problems as a reason for not working outside the home ; 37 per cent of those aged between 45 and 60 mentioned ill-health to the interviewer .
23 It had been part of the creed of childhood , indeed , the whole of life , unquestioned as so many other maxims were unquestioned , respect for parents and elders , the courtesy of men towards women and the inferiority of women to men , and original sin .
24 Though Between and Thru exhibit striking parallels with the emergent thinking in the late 1960s and early 1970s about the relation of women to language , it was not until nearly fifteen years later that she began to make use of gender-specific arguments in her critical writings .
25 In the first place , there was not only a sex difference but a gap of glaring dimensions politically , socially and even of age , between those who promoted the introduction of women to printing and those who opposed it .
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more insulting to women — whether it is said by women or men — than talk of setting targets for the number of women to be in top posts ?
27 ‘ I remain of the conviction that the ordination of women to the priesthood ought to be construed as an enlargement and extension of the historic Christian ministry , ’ he said .
28 When certain assumptions are challenged , such as the ordination of women to the priesthood , suddenly tradition is seen as an inviolable and fixed form of living truth which compels the Church for ever to say ‘ no ’ to the ordination of women .
29 I am keenly aware , as you know , of the many Catholics whose faith and commitment have been badly shaken and disturbed in recent days , particularly over the ordination of women to the priesthood .
30 The recent nomination of a woman as Assistant Bishop of Massachusetts , and the remarks of one diocesan bishop that ‘ the ordination of women to the priesthood must be achieved at practically any cost ’ will cause great despair and lead to grave questioning of all that the Church of England has stood for .
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