Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Walter Ruttmann 's film from the apogee of German Expressionist cinema uses the cinema in exactly the way a poet uses language to give a dynamic , reverberant and meaningful portrait of one of the world 's great cities and its people .
2 In instances where the corpse was to travel to the grave in just a winding-sheet , either palled on the bier or via the parish coffin , one does wonder whether there was an unwritten code that the sheet chosen be one of the best from the linen cupboard , or if the sheet upon which the person died sufficed .
3 Anyone in direct flesh contact with a wall or a floor would have been affected — sucked into the fabric of the building in just the way that Mr Devlin described . ’
4 Among the bank of local runners was Alresford man Mark Thwaites who completed the course in just a fraction over three hours .
5 That 's a price DG could never hope to match , indeed Motorola could probably fulfill DG 's entire CPU requirements for the part in just a straight two week run on its fab line .
6 Charles Hawtrey played him and repeated the part in almost every ‘ Carry On ’ film that followed .
7 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
8 Letters have been flooding in from viewers desperate to see the Spanish soap from the axe in just a few weeks .
9 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
10 So , all that you need to think , to remember things like , do n't , is that it 's do not , and you 've got to put the apostrophe in where the letter 's been missed .
11 Drama is actively encouraged through classroom drama , frequent theatre visits and the involvement of the Department in both the annual School production and the Inter-House Drama Festival .
12 and they , they beat out the rhythm in much the same way
13 Aunt Emily said from the doorway in much the same tone , ‘ My dear Alexandra !
14 In the work in both the Preston and Oxford shows , that perceptual centring is constantly challenged .
15 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
16 The fall in both the share and rate of profit was reversed in 1966 .
17 The ‘ societal response ’ seemed to determine the outcome in much the same way , if not more so , as social and economic variables in sociological positivism .
18 Zelinsky 's description of the South as ‘ so distinct from the non-South in almost every observable or quantifiable feature and so fiercely jealous of its peculiarities ’ ( p. 122 ) , at least until the present century , suggests a place with a clearly identifiable culture of its own , even though it is large and , on many criteria , heterogeneous .
19 I join the queue that stretches back through three carriages , in pursuit of a warm can of Travellers ' Fare lager — the only substance known to man that leaves the body in exactly the same state as it entered .
20 We must recognize the truth in both the Oriental and the Christian views . ’
21 These may affect large sections of the population in predominantly the same way .
22 It is equally true to say that the advent of the impending change has caused the behaviour in just the same way as an itch causes a scratch .
23 They leapt from the cab in just the way I remembered , lithe and dangerous .
24 Brugg , on a direct road to the north-east should be visited , and so should Baden , just off the motorway in roughly the same direction .
25 We talk about the stress in just a few minutes .
26 As we understand it , nothing has changed in Japan but it still managed to make the news and push the share price higher , so that it ended the month in much the same place as it began .
27 Any woman who has not spent the week in either a coma or the cupboard-under-the-stairs will know this .
28 From this initial thought the sociologist goes on to consider baptism as a ‘ rite of passage ’ and scans the library in both the sociology and the social anthropology sections for previous writings which will give more information about baptism in other cultures and also about the significance of rites of passage in both primitive and advanced societies .
29 This involves the donor in only a single signature on a simple form which any RNLI regional office , or headquarters , can supply .
30 Fortunately Eliot declared himself unequivocally , in an essay , ‘ Reflections on Vers Libre : ’ … the ghost of some simple metre should lurk behind the arras in even the ‘ freest ’ verse ; to advance menacingly as we doze , and withdraw as we arouse' .
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