Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Concerns of this kind , as Pamyat' demonstrated , could sometimes take a xenophobic or anti-semitic form , but they also helped to provide the impetus behind a growing environmentalist movement centred around issues such as the pollution of Lake Baikal in Siberia and the defence of villages that had been declared ‘ perspectiveless ’ by central planners .
2 The panel on doctrine are to be congratulated on their wise handling of the response of presbyteries and kirk sessions to the proposed new statement of faith .
3 The response of airports and airlines to the Channel Tunnel has been coloured by the impending deregulation of air transport in Europe which is expected to lead to a substantial fall in fares and a rise in business over the next few years .
4 When extending the analysis to model the response of households and firms , we need also to consider how fiscal policy itself is determined .
5 The income of solicitors and barristers in private practice comes from the fees paid by clients .
6 Much of the income of rectories and vicarages consisted of tithes .
7 Our pledges to increase the income of pensioners and families with children will urgently be fulfilled .
8 The major part of your argument about the inability of juries and magistrates to make fair judgments about technical matters was reasonable ; however anyone taking a detached view can identify many examples of so-called ‘ old Britons ’ who one could not rely on to take an open and fair-minded view in a jury .
9 Once again the phenomenon that makes this sort of unemployment involuntary is the inability of workers and employers directly to lower the real-wage rate to w * ; .
10 They can be made even more attractive by the addition of frills or a scalloped heading .
11 The situation changes when dealing with a liquid as remains unaffected by the addition of molecules and can be expected to be zero .
12 With the addition of legumes and appropriate management , it is alleged that pasture productivity can be maintained but the grasslands are quickly invaded by inedible weeds such that by 1978 , 20% of the pasture area in Amazonia was degraded .
13 The addition of icons and absence of the now-legendary ‘ Please Wait ’ messages are welcome surprises .
14 The addition of herbs and spices in many combinations produces a wonderful variety of flavoursome sausages to grace any supper table , but it is really only black pudding , a breakfast sausage made with large pieces of pork back fat and pig 's blood , thickened with a cereal ( usually oatmeal or barley ) , that survives as a similar food to the continental salami or saucissons .
15 This would be an on-going promotional campaign along the lines of what we already do , but with more co-ordination and the addition of posters and a greater number of redesigned Promotional leaflets ( to replace existing ones ) .
16 The perfumer then must skilfully build a more complicated scent by the addition of attars or essences such as patchouli , carnation and the myriad ingredients of a fine fragrance .
17 Its basic ingredients are flour and water , sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil , occasionally with spinach , tomato or colourings .
18 This year it also incorporates swivel wheels and an integral gutter system , designed to allow the addition of side-sheets and run-up covers for extra protection of the square .
19 The bulk of the money went on the addition of amenities and not on structural repairs .
20 It is possible to soften water by the addition of chemicals that displace or combine with the calcium and magnesium , such as sodium hexametaphosphate and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid .
21 It is certainly a more pleasant environment without cars and will be further improved with the addition of trees and benches .
22 In the building industry land stock is perhaps more significant in the balance sheet of the majority of builders than trading stock .
23 Some schools and LEAs have already begun to construct multicultural and anti-racist policies ; it is up to the majority of institutions that appear not to have grasped the urgency of the issues to follow their lead .
24 The majority of writers and researchers agree that this has serious personal , community , planning and service implications ( Age Concern 1973 ; Pulling and Speakman 1974 ; Munton and Clout 1975 ; Wibberley 1978 ; Moseley 1979a ; Hillman and Whalley 1980 ) .
25 Firstly , violence of any nature has no place in rugby as I am sure the majority of players and spectators will agree .
26 The majority of researchers and theorists are driven by the huge opportunities they see for alleviating world hunger and disease .
27 Finally , although the majority of colleges and institutes of higher education are local education establishments , twenty-four of them are voluntary colleges run by the churches and educational trusts , a situation which derives from their previous existence as voluntary colleges of education .
28 These conventional rules all have one ultimate object : ‘ Their end is to secure that Parliament , or the Cabinet which is indirectly appointed by Parliament , shall in the long run give effect to the will of the power which in modern England is the true political sovereign of the State — the majority of electors or … the nation . ’
29 The description of the majority of demonstrators as ‘ self-righteous prigs ’ is just silly .
30 Apparently , he never wore much jewellery , unlike the majority of nobles that visited him , but that which he did wear was of fabulously high value .
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