Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 All too often the change of conditions when the sale is made and the fish is taken home , is all that is needed finally to send the unfortunate creature to that great big goldfish bowl in the sky .
2 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
3 It is difficult to assess market value particularly in relation to goodwill ; much time can be spent in arguing about the measure of damages when the parties ought to simply concentrate on establishing whether or not the breach occurred .
4 Each member of the Community has his or her own room except in the case of families when brothers or sisters can share a room .
5 It was a dull , snowy night , with heavy grey clouds hanging low in the sky , the kind of night when hopes are destroyed and love is lost .
6 This was the kind of moment when words formed into meanings and , when you transferred them to paper , they turned into poetry .
7 They are times when the behaviour of an animal is uncertain ; which is just the kind of time when other animals will want information about what it is going to do .
8 Okay , so he was a porter , low man in the hierarchy , but this was the kind of time when the barriers went down and he did n't have to wear a label .
9 It seems incredible now , but no doubt the loss of revenue when conditions changed had deep and long-lasting effects .
10 There is a period each year before the onset of spring when the land breathes anticipation .
11 Formal objections are not invited at this consultation stage as a further period will be allowed for the submission of objections when the proposals are formally advertised .
12 Wimbledon might have conceded a second goal on the stroke of half-time when Harford curled his shot narrowly over after a poor clearance by Segers .
13 Wigan 's New Zealand captain , Bell , now playing as well as ever in his long career , scored two tries , the last bringing the house down on the stroke of time when he raced from halfway before touching down …
14 They almost achieved the former on the stroke of injury-time when Kevin Ball headed against the underside of Jim Leighton 's bar .
15 And the notion of generalization decrement can also explain the effects of prior exposure to B alone if it is allowed that such training will make the B stimulus less effective and thus relatively unlikely to interfere with the perception of A when the two are presented in compound .
16 The findings of this research will be embodied in a microcomputer program to allow policy analysts to investigate the effect of policies when such a general view of poverty is adopted .
17 Highlights of George 's council career include the overhaul of the sewer safety system in Middlesbrough , since copied countrywide , and the major safety and public relations exercise prompted by the discovery of asbestos when flats in Corringham Walk , Netherfields , were being demolished .
18 Robin Launders , Manchester United 's finance director , told ACCOUNTANCY that the company thought it appropriate to disclose the value attributed to players in the directors ' report in a similar way to the publication of information when properties were worth more than the balance sheet value .
19 My father died when I was one week old , so I was the Queen of Scots when I was a baby .
20 Brussels had framed the legislation under a section of the Treaty of Rome which authorises the Commission to aim for the highest possible levels of environmental protection and allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers when member states are unable to agree .
21 Berridge ( 1985 ) found that the separation of siblings when children come into care was strongly linked with unsettled care experience .
22 The High Court in Edinburgh was told that McDonald was under the influence of drugs when he entered the bank and vaulted a counter .
23 The percentage of synonyms when A per cent of the file has been loaded is
24 He told me that he got an awful rocket from the Director of Accounts when he handed in the bill which worked out at several hundred pounds — and here we are talking of the year 1946 !
25 I must tell you that this infant has never cried at all apart from at the moment of birth when he took his first breath — and that must be accepted as an unavoidable demand for satisfaction of an impossible desire .
26 Too often I was asked to bowl defensively , brought into the attack to stop the flood of runs when batsmen were giving us a caning .
27 Today , of course , there is a real question-mark over the importance of negotiability when cheques are rarely transferred , and when non trade-related commercial paper is either not issued or is located per-manently in depositories .
28 It was the sort of day when men run their fingers round their collars and women pull their skirts away from their thighs , and people debate whether a hot cup of tea really cools you down or whether a glass of cold water is more helpful .
29 At last they decided to withdraw from the square and were on the point of departure when they were suddenly surrounded by a group of tough-looking soldiers , helmeted and armed .
30 For the non-colinear case , Hauser and Ernst have found it convenient to work with the complex function Z defined by ( 11.5 ) and to use the transformation ( 12.20 ) which consists of a rotation and rescaling to put at the point of collision when and .
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