Example sentences of "the [noun sg] who have give " in BNC.

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1 The fan who had given him the pen had had L. M. inscribed on it .
2 The correct approach was to ascertain whether the person who had given the land had pointed out clearly what he intended to be done with it .
3 However , the responsibility for any report included in listing particulars or a prospectus ( for example , an accountants ' report ) remains with the person who has given his consent to the inclusion of that report in the form and context in which it is included .
4 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
5 He was immediately released from his confinement , but he was still liable to the man who had given him credit in the belief he could keep his promise to pay later .
6 Men jumped on to the bank to secure it , and the man who had given the orders leapt overboard with a silver plash , two others behind him .
7 From forcing her , by an act of love , to follow him through the world , not barefoot as she 'd accused him but in no great luxury , instead of " obliging " the man who had given her her chance .
8 Fabia went to bed that night having seen nothing of the man who had given her a lift , but with other more important issues rising to the surface .
9 And as a mark of their respect for their aviator comrade , a lone bugler played The Last Post and Reveille before an RAF Hercules flew over the graveside at Frankby Cemetery in a special salute to the man who had given the last six years of his life to his country .
10 Mike Barson , the man who 'd given them most of their best tunes , quit the group , spent .
11 Spookily enough , I had come full circle : I was back working for Alan Lewis , the man who 'd given me my first music press job — as his secretary at Sounds , back in ( gulp ) 1977 .
12 The 37-year-old is quick to thank the other Football League refs in the region who have given advice and help along the 13 year path from the grass roots .
13 The brother who had given Rose away responded even more briefly and soon afterwards the priest left .
14 Our thanks to these , and to all the friends of THE FACE who have given their time and money so generously to help us through this difficult time .
15 Actually there 's Paul , the guy who 'd given me a lift to the concert and , and he mentioned going to the , the film I saw , erm but I knew he was going to the pub , he always goes to the pub afterwards .
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