Example sentences of "the [noun sg] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , the majority have begun on TV rather than weekly rep — resulting in a gain in ‘ reality ’ and a loss in audibility .
2 It will not do so where the majority have acted in bad faith , or where class interests have not been properly identified and fairly represented ( see below ) , or where it can be demonstrated that the majority voted in favour of the scheme because of their interests as shareholders of another class or as creditors ( see Carruth v ICI [ 1937 ] AC 707 ) .
3 Although some studies have been made of rural railways , the majority have looked at road-based public transport ( Halsall and Turton , 1979 ) , since only the road provides the flexibility required in rural areas .
4 The remainder have escaped into the atmosphere to cause further depletion of the ozone layer .
5 Kaplan explains that the primary impetus to his project was the sense that modern interpretations of the Adagietto have strayed from the composer 's intentions with regard to what he calls ‘ the current fashion of treating it as a sombre movement played at a funereal pace . ’
6 The books were , deservedly , enormously successful and stories in the genre have continued to be written down the years and show no sign of drying up .
7 ‘ What about this untapped telephone number the gang have asked for ?
8 More recently the rapid increase in the wealth of the Japanese , their greater consumption of diamonds and the fact that they have never been so attached to gold as the peoples of the west have led to a sharp increase in their use of platinum for jewellery .
9 Models for broadening the curriculum have begun to be formulated but so far no developed model , together with suitable resources , has been promulgated .
10 Thus the only relevant facts he does not know are what period the judiciary have recommended as the tariff , and what further comments the judges have made which will affect the Secretary of State 's decision on the tariff .
11 John Rolfe , conference chairman , said : ‘ People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering .
12 further suggest , as Figure 1.2 also implies , that the deep structures and instincts of the mind have evolved in relation to the social processes and relations in which human beings have developed .
13 The enemy have recovered from our sudden appearance in their midst .
14 Dog squadron instructor Keith Waugh was born to be in the RAF and , after 11 satisfying years , he 's happy to say his family 's links with the force have gone to the dogs
15 The events which surrounded the murder have persisted in memory and strengthened speculation .
16 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
17 Will he tell the House just how much effort he and his colleagues in the Department have devoted in recent years to bringing that message home to employers ?
18 Investigators who have reviewed the research have come to quite opposite conclusions .
19 Reports of the programme have concentrated on its cosmetic aspects .
20 RADICAL plans to reform health service provision in the North-East have come under attack from worried union officials .
21 The only clearly distinctive point that the Opposition have made about convergence is : ’ Labour 's supply-side policies are the policies necessary for real convergence . ’
22 The Opposition have complained for years that our determination to maintain an essential minimum safeguard for our country with a nuclear deterrent was somehow an obstacle to the necessary task of reducing the overblown nuclear arsenals of the super-powers , but President Yeltsin dealt with their arguments in one wholly destructive answer .
23 We are already spending , or propose to spend , more than the Opposition have called for .
24 How little the Opposition have thought about the issue .
25 The club have opted for a left arm spinner Jamie Stewart from Western Australia as their pro .
26 There is clear evidence that the peasantry have risen in rebellion on historic occasions , but how much likelihood is there of their political mobilisation in the changing context of rural Latin America ?
27 Like their colleagues in further education , the 17,000 lecturers in the sector have voted for a marking and exam boycott .
28 The five good cleavage products evident in the conrol have reappeared with similar intensity and pattern within 5 minutes of beginning the reaction .
29 Two Royal swans adopted by the Queen have arrived in the region from Russia .
30 The council have looked at three proposals : Cuts , of at least sixteen million pounds , thus avoiding charge capping .
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