Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The coin looked as if the minter struck it on a single die , punching the image in the metal in repoussé , so hard that the inverted ear on the reverse would appear on the other side , and could be read the right way round in shallow relief when the coin was turned over .
2 The carpenter looked at him , then at Benedicta and , throwing back his head , laughed hysterically until the porter struck him across the face .
3 but with four minutes to go United went and blew it all … the defence tied themselves in knots and Paul Trollope banged in an equaliser … 1-1 hard luck Hereford
4 Since 1964 six polytechnics and colleges have taken the opportunity afforded them by the Council for National Academic Awards to design and develop courses culminating in the C.N.A.A .
5 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
6 When the Sutton route was replaced by trolleybuses , the remainder joined them at Brixton in December 1935 , but the contract with Cohens for their scrapping had already been signed on 12 October .
7 In his ecstasy , the worshipper saw himself as a satyr and " as a satyr , in turn , he saw his god " .
8 The stairway brought one to a first-floor lobby , a vast room of chandeliers and mahogany panelling and bentwood chairs with velvet cushions .
9 The prince sent it to her with his love , just like that .
10 When Anna brought it home — some thirty years ago it must be — the prince put it in his pocket .
11 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
12 The Prince patted him on the back .
13 The Prince inherited it upon becoming Prince of Wales and will lose it if and when he becomes King .
14 The unremitting four-mile ascent to the high pass over the ridge reduced me to a walking wet rag ; I was literally soaked to the skin and could feel rivulets chasing each other down my bosom .
15 The wizard pulled himself across the floor , painfully , and whispered , ‘ What the hell was that ? ’
16 The trial did nothing for Musgrave 's popularity .
17 The trial unmasked him as a complete charlatan and , in the words of one detective , ‘ as close to being the perfect rapist as you could get ’ .
18 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
19 Sister Eillen Regan , from the board of education of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of San Francisco , says the board shunned it for two reasons : ‘ It treats nuclear war as survivable and implies nuclear war is a political option ’ .
20 The Board dismissed him for allegedly failing in his duties to teach junior doctors .
21 The board dismissed him for ‘ gross misconduct and gross professional negligence ’ and is still considering legal steps to recover the cash .
22 The exclamation escaped her as a startled squeak .
23 All her nerves shook with it , as though the blow struck her in her face .
24 The blow caught her on the cheek and she fell against Gilbert .
25 The blow caught her on the right side of her face , high on the cheek bone , beneath the eye .
26 The familiar stress on the first word in the sentence took her at once into the stuffy room in south London .
27 But its real take-off period was the 1870S when the introduction of a new cooling apparatus and the addition of chemical preservatives to the milk enabled it to be transported very long distances while remaining fresh .
28 The smell excited her like a pheromone , even now , three years after she had walked out on all that madness .
29 After a dry tour , the brewery directed them to the local pub — which sells a RIVAL brew .
30 In Lectio , therefore , God revealed himself and in Oratio the monk offered himself to God .
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