Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun pl] be in " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , local ozone depletion rates in the lower stratosphere inferred from the AASE observations were in excess of 1% per day , approaching the values calculated for extended periods in the Antarctic .
2 All the powder paints are in the cupboard next to the sink in that room .
3 A great number of the OBOE pilots were in fact Blind Approach Training ( BAT ) instructors and the hurdle was 1,000 hours on a BAT Flight , the relationship to PFF OBOE work here being too obvious to detail .
4 The grant applications are in , and when we 've got all that information er then subcommittee will erm bring all those reports together , and present a report to the full council .
5 Where the difficulty lies is in relation to " comparative advertising " ; that is , where one trader advertises his goods by reference to another trader 's goods .
6 THE camp beds are in place , the beer is on ice and market makers at the City 's big integrated houses are ready for tonight 's unofficial over-night trading session .
7 Most of the mare basins were in place by the time Mare Serenitatis was filled with lava ( Table 6.1 ) .
8 As a result the A-level scores of the university graduates were in general substantially above those of the CNAA graduates .
9 Can I say also what a load of rubbish the story lines are in Coronation Street at the moment .
10 By now the cottage lettings were in full swing .
11 The only important difference between the curriculum vitaes was in the name , and yet the English names were significantly more likely to be shortlisted than the Asian names .
12 Another area of work for the Action Teams is in building up links between local schools and work .
13 Back by the regatta , the picnic lunches are in full swing — with typical British stiff upper lip , everyone 's eating outdoors and ignoring the less than summery weather .
14 In the following tables the dimensions of the card subjects are in millimetres .
15 When I first went to St Aidans the Geography rooms were in annexes .
16 It empties the pocket and I thought the car keys were in there , my car keys .
17 Furthermore , the mining companies were in an extremely weak position because of the major religious significance of Croagh Patrick and the annual pilgrimage there .
18 Therefore the exclusion of non-commercial ventures currently contained in the Transfer Regulations is in conflict with the EC Acquired Rights Directive and the exception is likely to be meaningless .
19 The textile workers were in the vanguard of the process from the 1850s , though not alone , and after 1900 the process was much more rapid .
20 American tactical forces should remain in Japan and the ultimate American decision concerning the presence of forces in Japan should be deferred until the peace negotiations were in progress .
21 The morning session at the law courts was in full swing , and the halls and corridors were crowded .
22 Finally , the village case study revealed that none of the village practitioners were in favour of promoting the LGS message .
23 The campaign contributions were in return for my agreement to , and actually taking , official action at 's request .
24 Balance sheets are usually produced for each account , but the operating accounts are in much more detail : the General Fund will be segregated into , for example , education , public health , roads .
25 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
26 ( The 900 is already universally recognised as one of the world 's safest cars , but that 's hardly surprising knowing how stringent the safety standards are in the aircraft industry . )
27 Her own nerves were stretched to breaking-point and she could n't allow herself even to contemplate the changes that would now come in her relationship with David ; that luxury would come later , because for the moment lives were in danger .
28 The community broadcasters are in a stronger position than ever before to establish credibility at a nationwide level .
29 But the building society says the mortgage repayments are in arrears .
30 The forest routes are in many ways ideal for these activities because ( a ) there is little or no motor traffic , ( b ) the tracks are well maintained , and ( c ) the trees provide shelter .
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