Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The advantage here is that your opponent ca n't really watch you because then he does not see the ball .
2 The difficulty here is that this would take a long time to carry out , besides which , there is the problem of access .
3 5.22 Defective premises To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times to display and maintain all notices which the Landlord may from time to time [ reasonably ] require to be displayed at the Premises The difficulty here is that this covenant could impose an unfair obligation on the tenant and it should therefore be amended as follows : To give notice to the Landlord upon becoming aware of any defect … 5.23 New guarantor Within [ 14 ] days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor or of such person becoming bankrupt or having a receiving order made against him or having a receiver appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 or being a company passing a resolution to wind up or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed to give notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the expense of the Tenant within [ 28 ] days to procure some other person acceptable to the Landlord [ such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld ] to execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant 's obligations contained in this Lease in the form of the Guarantor 's covenants contained in this Lease Although this may be perfectly fair and reasonable in that a guarantor 's covenants are expected to last during the period for which they are given , many tenants try to resist this covenant on the basis that it may be extremely difficult for the tenant to produce an alternative guarantor .
4 The worry here is that the protocol will reduce the ability of the EC 's poorer members — including eventual newcomers from Eastern Europe — to compete in the great market .
5 The hope here is that each will reinforce the other , and make the school experience less of a bewildering succession of totally disparate experiences .
6 The hope now is that the tour operators and the local population will seize the opportunity presented to the island .
7 If you saw the other films , you wo n't need a gay activist to give away the ending , although the spin on the story here is that the hero is a male cop ( Douglas ) , as opposed to the female lawyers and FBI agents of the earlier movies .
8 The reasoning here is that such goods are only capable of being identified through defining their characteristics .
9 The key here is that Major may be about to achieve in government what Thatcher never did — indeed , she never tried to achieve it .
10 The intention here is that they should operate down to individual budget holders .
11 The intention here is that victims do not have to pursue claims against manufacturers in foreign countries which may have less favourable laws .
12 The result today is that few important functions ( measured in terms of expenditure ) are handled by local government in Northern Ireland : most , like housing , are instead the responsibility of non-elected quangos or , like education , of area boards .
13 The indication here is that the caged finch has been placed close to the owl in order to provoke it into prolonged alarm calling that will attract others of its kind .
14 The criterion here is that if the publication is published and on sale it should be considered for purchase .
15 The fear now is that banks will start to compete by driving commission rates lower and lower until they are prepared to arrange issues at break-even or worse .
16 Law-enforcement officials say the fear now is that the terrorists that blew up Pan Am 103 somehow learned about what the DEA was doing , infiltrated the undercover operation and substituted the bomb for the heroin in one of the DEA shipments .
17 The twist here was that the guitarist was also female ( her guitar was blue ) and the singer had an Australian accent .
18 The likelihood here is that , as fast as the working class catches up at O level , qualifications required in the labour market will move upwards with A levels becoming the key qualifications for a successful career in the salariat ’ ( Anthony Heath , ‘ Class in the classroom , ’ New Society , 17 July 1987 , p. 15 ) .
19 The issue here is that the debtor has no control over the use to which the credit is put .
20 The mood now is that there is a chance for change . ’
21 The proposal here is that the right to gain an attachment of earnings should now be limited to maintainance payments only .
22 The problem for the Committee here is that any adequate specification of the " richness " or " intrinsic value " of English upon which their claim for its " greatness " as a subject rests , would require that these terms be subjected to a rigorous critical , historical , and sociological analysis .
23 The benefit now is that a child can institute proceedings without having to wait for somebody else to do it , ' said Mr Kidd .
24 Note that the philosophy here is that all the hardware is ultimately an extension of and a support for human functions .
25 The figures actually which I got from the director yesterday are that the department is counting four hundred and ten vacancies of those four hundred and ten , two hundred and thirty four are out of commission , they 're in homes being refurbished seventy two are in blocked places , that is double rooms being lived in by a widow or widower where er they 'd previously shared it with the spouse or er disability reasons , health reasons , behaviour reasons of a resident er in a previously shared room .
26 The complication here is that the total time period is more than 20 years , and obviously the earlier workers will have had time to publish many more papers than those finishing their studies in recent years , but the dataset is so large that such effects will be the same for all universities , i.e. they will be self-cancelling .
27 The complication here is that the total time period is more than 20 years , and obviously the earlier workers will have had time to publish many more papers than those finishing their studies in recent years , but the dataset is so large that such effects will be the same for all universities , i.e. they will be self-cancelling .
28 And the danger presumably is that the surpluses we were having our discussion and debate about earlier on , those surpluses that and I do understand why you feel the pensioners should benefit from their surplus , but it the reality is that the employers and possibly the pensioners are currently arguing amongst themselves for the benefit of those surpluses , but in fact one of the significant contributors is often the deferred pensioners
29 The danger here is that this ballooning could cut off the emergency cooling water altogether .
30 The danger here is that , although things may be pleasant for the workers , the incentive to work very hard is not so direct and it may not be possible to maintain a competitive position in comparison with the same industry in a developing country .
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