Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] only the " in BNC.

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1 It should be deep enough for the fish to bury the shell with only the opening showing .
2 These figures , emanating from the Council of Mortgage Lenders , are challenged by Janet Ford who claims that they underestimate the number of people in arrears because they rely upon cross-sectional data , drawn from the experience of only the largest mortgage lenders .
3 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
4 Furthermore , small-degree partial melting in the presence of only the main upper-mantle mineral phases ( assuming plagioclase is not involved ) should not produce a positive correlation between U/Pb and Ce/Pb ( Fig. 3 c ) on the basis of published mineral-melt distribution coefficients .
5 The Prince , momentarily forgetting his orders for Sharpe to change into Dutch uniform , dominated the luncheon conversation as he eagerly expressed his wish that the French would attack before the Duke returned from his meeting with the Prussians , for then the Prince could defeat the enemy with only the help of his faithful Dutch troops .
6 Benefits of RDS as a source of traffic information have penetrated the consciousness of only the relative few making top-of-the-range car-radio purchases .
7 Wright J. held that the agent who had no general occupation as an agent , who normally bought and sold goods on his own account and who was the agent for only the one principal , was nevertheless a mercantile agent .
8 The thought of drifting along in the sunbeams , under the willow of the brook with only the frogs and water-rats to keep her company , filled her with glee .
9 A month ago , the all-Union Supreme Soviet voted against discussing the issue by only the narrowest of margins .
10 This appears to envisage rules which require the disclosure of only the arrangements for the payment of commission and not of the actual amount .
11 Then skipper Andy Townsend blasted the ball over the bar with only the keeper to beat .
12 He stood up and left the room with only the barest nod at both of them .
13 The referees are very strict at the line-out with only the jumpers allowed to get across .
14 Ask a follower of the warbird movement to ‘ decline ’ the sub-types of the Fw 190 and that will be done ; marks of Spitfire will be no problem ; who built B–17s and the distinguishing items of a ‘ G ’ — easy ; principal Italian fighter aircraft will also come to the tip of the tongue with only the occasional stutter .
15 Already Chelsea fans are talking with conviction about the club winning the championship for only the second time in its history .
16 With Britain 's other 1500 metres hope , Kevin McKay , also missing out , we do n't have a runner in the final for only the second time this century .
17 Hanging on the door is a dressing gown and in the wardrobe a change of clothes given to her when she arrived in the refuge with only the clothes she stood up in and a shopping bag .
18 What marks the ‘ explanation ’ range is the assertion of only the weak determinism involved in claiming that similar effects always occur in similar conditions .
19 In cases like these local landowners allowed the construction of only the minimum number of houses needed to accommodate their permanently employed labour force , often in ‘ estate villages ’ .
20 Later , much later , they breakfasted out on the balcony with only the Portuguese gardeners near by to disturb their peace .
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