Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] a [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I think you 'll find that erm that there was an amaz you know I mean that , that while the language might have been simple it was n't simplistic and , but the change in a in a way now is around .
2 That 's the smell from a over there .
3 Having said that in the case of a of a a of a through movement , I accept that we are loading at at the traffic in at the A sixty one if you like and it 's coming out at the A sixty one north .
4 we asked for space , and they said oh mid April , and that actually is the next schedule step down action and that 's going to be on Europe and that 'll run from April till June , erm but from now till April if anybody would like to write the country which is Chile and this is because they 're , they suppose that they have extend the death penalty in Chile to include the murder of an off duty police witnesses , at the moment it 's only erm , the death penalty only exists for on duty police officers
5 On the issue of a of a particular thing , in the constituency , if Mr is right then I do n't have a problem disagr er agreeing with him .
6 The bath , you had a bath room with a bath on the wall but you had to heat the water on a at the kitchen the kitchen fire .
7 And er they drew their truncheons , that I 'd never seen before , policemen with truncheons , er and they started to run and everybody else started to run , and I forgot there was a puppy dog , this puppy dog it it chased it chased towards the er p policemen , and started er barking and d and carrying on , and one of the policemen did no more than thump it straight across the top of the head with a with a truncheon , and er and that was the end of the puppy .
8 Moreover , suspicion may grow in agents ' minds during t - 1 that the government may be on the verge of an about turn on employment policy .
9 Lucinda believes that much of her success when riding cross country can be attributed to walking the course correctly , and throughout the video she leads the viewer from the start to the finish of a cross country course .
10 When I when I first got to know the flats , certainly after the the incident of a of an elderly lady being erm being mugged and beaten up by some some kids up there .
11 Erm , we 've got pay review bodies which may , we do n't know what they 'll come out with in in terms of recommendations for for the pay increases , and I think that this is placing the Councillor in a in a very bad po er position .
12 This is 48142 steadily climbing the bank with an up ballast train .
13 We invite the reader , in his verbal communications , to refer to the symbols f(a) and af as the value of f at a or , simply f of a and the image of a under f respectively .
14 It was conceived in 1674 as a grand stairway bedecked with statues , part of the idea of a via sacra or Holy Way leading to St Vitus ' Cathedral .
15 Recommendations , Chairman , just to note the report , and to ratify the decision of the Tern Valley management body , about the construction of a on that site .
16 And it was on the balcony in a in a porch on the balcony to prevent fire so it would n't go on fire .
17 If you sold to the target on a on a revenue there of a two and a half thousand , which is one of the smaller surgeries , we will pay thirty percent on all of that right ?
18 An educational Bill of Rights would not stand in place of students ' legal entitlements ; students would , as now , still have the right to pursue a legal claim if they felt themselves to be the victim of an in justice .
19 These are made by a gentleman called Adrian er erm who worked on the house as a as a labourer er but was so taken with it all he took to becoming a medieval furniture maker , has been ever since .
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