Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun sg] i mean " in BNC.

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1 And even things like the cocktail side I mean , although you never use it , it 's a bit of a joke , I mean it actually fits into American bit dun n it ?
2 A mouse without a tail , the PC variety I mean , is nothing new .
3 Well also I mean the term hippy I mean it 's not really a real term I do n't think .
4 I mean , we 've had the facilities as we have now in the town centre I mean , it has improved this town immensely !
5 Well no I 'm not actually back to the centimetre cost I do n't agree with the centimetre argument er the centimetre argument I mean I 'd rather have one good solid paragraph which
6 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
7 The last one we had we had a budget of ten thousand pounds the company which did it said that it would normally not take on a project of that sort of cost but they found a junior member of staff to take it on and the end product I mean that 's going back nearly five years now , was quite er acceptable and welcome but now it it looks very much out , the force has been reorganised , we need to give it a new look .
8 Well he 's rushed on now you see , that fellow has in the pick-up truck I mean , did you see him ?
9 The software package I mean sometimes it comes with the deal we do n't charge extra .
10 It 's O K if your headmasters that run the school change I mean schools tend to change with headmasters do n't they ?
11 But by the detective novel I mean a book in which the puzzle element is reduced and in which the characters are a good deal more lifelike than those which the blueprint puzzle merchants needed and in which the element of character drawing is given much more weight .
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